Invoking the Emergencies Act – the most sweeping set of powers available to a Canadian prime minister, the act that replaced the War Measures Act – only confirms Justin Trudeau’s complete and utter failure at dealing with a positive, optimistic and peaceful grassroots movement.
This comes 18 days after he dismissed this movement as a “small fringe minority.”
The Freedom Convoy will go down in history as one of the most powerful and effective protests our country has ever seen. It has inspired “Canadian-style” freedom convoys all over the world, overzealous rules are being removed and failed leaders are being replaced.
Trudeau has been absent all weekend, hiding out somewhere, having closed-door meetings with no updates and showing no leadership whatsoever. This comes one week after a poll showing BOTH sides of the convoy blame Trudeau the most out of anyone for how the demonstrations have been handled.
After initially fanning the flames, smearing the truckers and sounding remarkably delusional and out of touch, Trudeau stepped back. He seemed to acknowledge he was making things worse, so he almost disappeared, waiting for someone else to solve the problem. Police, Mayor, Premier?
[Read It All]
See Also:
(1) Ottawa will see pushback if tow trucks are forced to clear blockades, towing industry says
(2) RCMP charge four men with plotting to murder officers in connection with Coutts border protest
(4) Justin Trudeau is just a weak little man who is way out of his depth
The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World
…life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and lies…Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies the statistics.
Vaclav Havel
The Trudeau Liberals ramped up their rhetoric Wednesday, describing border blockades and the ongoing occupation of downtown Ottawa as foreign-funded, foreign-organized attacks meant to undermine our nation’s sovereignty.
Liberal ministers call blockades a foreign attempt to subvert Canada’s democracy, economy (
Talk about timely. The Liberals hair is on fire warning about foreign-organized attacks on Canada perpetrated by our Truckers For Freedom. The left always accuses the right of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. And gullible people buy into the lie time and time again. Here, proof! Does anybody think that the Liberals just decided on their own to go after Trump supporters? The Liberals under Trudeau are doing the bidding of the American left. Where else would they have gotten their orders from? Going after Canadian Trump supporters qualifies as foreign-organized attacks.
They don’t even try to hide it. In fact they brag about it.
Trudeau’s Justice Minister on convoy supporters: “If you are a member of a pro-Trump movement who’s donating… you ought to be worried” about your bank account being frozen.
Rebel News on Twitter: “Trudeau’s Justice Minister on convoy supporters: “If you are a member of a pro-Trump movement who’s donating… you ought to be worried” about your bank account being frozen. MORE:” / Twitter
Trudeau has lost control? Not likely. If the polls are even close to being accurate then 2/3 of Canadians do not support the Truckers for Freedom and want the government to crack down on them.
Justin Trudeau has enacted the Emergency Powers Act [just like his “father” did 52 years earlier], against all who protest his dictates, including seizing peoples’ bank accounts.
Trudeau won’t allow these Canadian citizens to have a life in their own country, nor will he allow them to leave. These are Canadian families celebrating peacefully, as they honorably protest their government.
It is now evident that Trudeau is capable of anything.
Trudeau’s Imminent False Flag To Crush the Canadian People – LewRockwell
When I heard about this the first thing this morning I immediately thought this…
How Convenient: Mysterious Extremist Group of 13 Individuals with Weapons Arrives at Freedom Convoy Protests – Right as Justin Trudeau Invokes Emergency Act
Then I had a look around and found this…
Ex-RCMP warns guns may be planted at Ottawa protest by ‘nefarious elements’ – YouTube
The stakes are high folks. High enough to plant evidence and frame innocent people to achieve? You better believe it. I’m not saying that is the case here but I will issue this caution. Do not accept at face value any claims or attempts to discredit, malign, or brand this freedom movement as violent and dangerous to democratic Canada.