From the perspective of freedom-loving citizens in this country, the trucker convoys and blockades protesting mask and vaccine mandates are a stirring spectacle of patriotism, civic responsibility, and true grit. They represent the offset to heavy-handed and arrogant government that is using everything in its power to suppress their efforts: threats, fines, police coercion, theft of property, and the manifestly illegal sequestering of funds donated to the truckers by private individuals. A conflict of this nature is often framed as the state versus the nation, the authorities versus the people. Whether it applies to the current situation, as we will see, is problematic.
The issue is the preservation, or restitution, of the government-violated Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms meant to guarantee common life in a democratic country—or, at any rate, a country now under the sway of an avowedly communist leader and several autocratic provincial premiers, a country that would appear well on the road to despotic control.
The problem is that fully two-thirds of the electorate rejects or is indifferent to the trucker revolt against unscrupulous and demagogic power. According to an Angus Reid poll, 54% of Canadians would like to see the COVID-19 mandates lifted, yet they are not interested in standing up for the Freedom Convoy that carries their banner. The trucker unions jealous of their perquisites and the bought-and-paid-for national press have also sided with the wielders of tyrannical authority.
Ironically, it is popular opposition to a popular uprising that will determine the future of the country. This explains why, despite the courage and the exhilarating display of patriotic fervor animating the trucker convoys, numbers of Canadians have left or are considering leaving the country. I know of many such. They are not defectors but long-suffering citizens who are convinced that they have read the writing on the wall.
[Read It All]
See Also:
(1) Freedom Convoy To End Covid Tyranny Is Getting Results Worldwide
(2) TD Bank Freezes Canadian Freedom Convoy Charitable Accounts
(3) VIDEO: Citizens Protest Canadian Trucker Vaccine Mandates in Buffalo
(4) Nobody was fired for national emergency stockpile mishandling
(5) Stop demonizing, start governing
Justin Trudeau has handled the ‘Freedom Convoy’ so ‘inexpertly, so incredibly poorly’
When it comes to COVID response the Aussie’s are in no position to criticize of give advice. But there are exceptions. SKY News has consistently earned the right to be called journalism.
Justin Trudeau has handled the ‘Freedom Convoy’ so ‘inexpertly, so incredibly poorly’ – YouTube
As someone points out accurately…
The Emergencies Act links to the definition of “threats to the security of Canada” given in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. Lawful protests are explicitly excluded.
As the BBC (the ideological fraternal twin of our CBC no less) . Another (and huge) example of why the CBC urgently needs to be totally defunded and to cease to exist if it can’t make it on its own merits.
What is the Emergencies Act?
The Emergencies Act, passed in 1988, bestows the government with added powers in times of national crisis.
The situation must meet a high bar, specifically an “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians”.
And Cabinet may only invoke the legislation if the emergency cannot be addressed by any existing federal law and if it exceeds the capacity of the provinces to handle it effectively.
The Emergencies Act outlines four different types of emergencies: public welfare emergencies, public order emergencies, international emergencies and war emergencies. If the legislation is invoked this week, it will likely be under the ‘public order’ category. Again, the criteria here is strict – lawful protests do not qualify.
Instead, the situation must be considered a threat to the security of Canada, as defined by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act.
This law outlines four possible scenarios:
It is so far unclear which scenario Mr. Trudeau would rely on to justify the use of the Emergency Act – none of these four scenarios have been clearly present in Ontario.
Read what the zero Canadian tax dollar funded BBC can put together but the $1.4 BILLION dollar taxpayer funded CBC won’t. No better example by comparison, undeniable proof that the CBC is on the government’s side, not Canada’s.
Canada trucker protest: What powers will Emergencies Act give Trudeau? – BBC News