September 9, 2024
If the American people stand up like the Canadian truckers and show that they stand for capitalism and freedom, others will follow.
The 2022 midterms are going to be a nightmare for the Democrats as long as we continue to stand together in the fight for the future of America.

The 2022 midterms are mere months away, and Democrats are running scared. They fear reaping the consequences of what they have sown by putting Americans through lockdowns, quarantines, and mandates that have left our economy battered and bruised.

Many businesses still suffer labor shortages and others never reopened their doors. Hardworking people lost their jobs, and the futures that they dreamed about for their families are gone, likely forever. 

Some people gave in to socialism by accepting Joe Biden’s “free” money instead of returning to work. Our liberal leaders lured desperate Americans with a buffet of freebies in which very few took just what they needed. Instead, they gorged themselves to the point that they became reliant on the government—especially those who were unemployed or in desperate situations created by the man-made pandemic.

As the liberal media overwhelmed the airwaves with tales of COVID-19 deaths and “15 days to flatten the curve” turned into several months, the United States spiraled downward into a dark abyss that blinded nearly everyone. 

And then it happened. We woke up!

When the scales fell from our eyes, we could see that the Democrat-led government wasn’t taking care of us. It was taking control of us. Radical progressives were pulling Biden’s puppet strings.

Business owners began to stop voluntarily following mandates that were killing their profits and keeping customers away. At first, many were fined and some were jailed. Courage begets courage, and more business owners across our nation started saying, “No more!”

Officials quickly realized that they couldn’t jail everyone, and most backed off. 

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Wisconsin Democrat Steps on Rake with Tweet About School Choice

(2) Retiring Democratic Rep Says His Party Is ‘Facing Extinction’

(3) Wyoming lawmaker introduces bill to create President Donald J. Trump Highway

(4) The great Democrat COVID pivot is approaching

(5) Democrats are hurting our kids with their unscientific COVID-19 policies

