September 10, 2024
The GOP Must Adopt a 'No Prisoners' Agenda for 2023...
The establishment has stolen our jobs, threatened our freedom, allowed criminals to run rampant and gotten our sons and daughters killed in useless wars. This is life and death. Do not go soft.

We are going to crush the Democrats in 2022, and there will be a temptation to sigh and wipe our brow and think it’s all over, but instead of relaxing in 2023 the GOP needs to attack. Think Attila the Hun charging at the head of his horde. Think George Patton leading the Third Army. Think Brian Stelter, who is a potato, when he sees a buffet. We need to crush their dreams and make them howl in the run-up to 2024, when we will retake the presidency and put a sharpened stake through the shriveled heart of the leftist monster.

We will have power soon. We must use it.

They will cry. We must drink their tears.

Let’s understand – because many of us don’t – that there are limitations on what we can do in 1023 and 2024 because we will not control the executive branch. Grandpa Badfinger, if he is not driven to resign by his masters in the wake of the inevitable 2022 electoral bloodbath, has only one bad choice among many worse ones – to double down and fight the strong GOP majorities for two miserable years as our enemies around the world rack up even more humiliating wins over an America hobbled by liberals who hate it and the bungling Boltonian hawk bros who think America should invade pretty much everywhere.

What can a party with a firm grasp on the legislative branch but not on the executive branch do? This is especially pertinent since the filibuster will remain in effect, something the Democrats will be thanking Manchin and Sinema for come Inauguration Day 2025. We can still do five vital things. We can investigate, push the brakes, refuse to confirm, punish enemies, and impeach. Do these things break the norms, because that’s what the Dems and their media minions will say? No, they are the norms. They are the new rules the Democrats played by; we’re just going to show that they actually played themselves.

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) The COVID Hysterics Bend the Knee in Yet Another Blow to Their Credibility

(2) Murder Capital: Charles Allen, And The Politics Of Selling DC Out To Crime And Activists

(3) Lummis: Biden Fed Nominee Raked In $1.5 Million From Start-Up She Pulled Strings For

(4) Go Truck Yourself, Media

(5) Republicans refuse to let Democrats off the hook as lawmakers reframe messaging amid surging crime

