September 9, 2024
Canada is now a divided country, pitting an elite class of political authorities, journalists, and haranguing pundits against a rising tide of blue-collar resentment.
Should justice prevail, Hurricane Canada will have been a godsend.

Hurricane Canada, a category 5 political storm, has made landfall on the country’s capital city in the form of a massive truckers’ strike protesting illegal COVID mandates and vaccine passports, a phenomenon that has galvanized the attention of the world and inspired similar demonstrations internationally. This has become common knowledge, and commentary pro and con has been proliferating with abandon.

What is most surprising in a tepid and unadventurous country like Canada that habitually votes left is the degree of popular support the truckers’ Freedom Convoy has garnered from ordinary citizens across the land. Convoys have assembled in several Canadian cities, the Alberta-Montana border has been blockaded, and reinforcements continue to arrive—even on horseback, taking a page from the RCMP.

Naturally, official aggression is also formidable, as a bought-and-paid-for print media, enjoying Prime Minister Trudeau’s $600 million bribe, and the country’s national broadcaster the CBC, rolling in annual billion-dollar government funding, weigh in against the truckers. Government officials at every level, municipal, provincial, and federal, with only a few exceptions, have joined the vigilante movement against the salt-of-the-earth protesters. Threats of reprisal are mounting, highways have been closed, and the turbulence shows no sign of ending anytime soon.

Canada is now a divided country, pitting an elite class of political authorities, journalists, and haranguing pundits against a rising tide of blue-collar resentment.

How Hurricane Canada will play itself out is anybody’s guess. As of this writing, Justin Trudeau remains in hiding, prompting the popular meme: Justin Trudeau Tests Positive for Coward-19. But he has the sycophantic media and practically all the communication networks on his side. Trudeau continues to promulgate his message of lies, pietistic self-justification, and invidious calumnies against the Freedom Convoy, conduct unbefitting a national leader. With the complicity of dubious figures like the mayor and police chief of Ottawa, he may use totalitarian measures to clamp down on the truckers—in the words of chief Peter Sloly, what is needed is a “surge and contain” strategy. Furthermore, “All Ottawa police officers are to regard the protesting group as an unlawful, extremist and hate-filled mob and have a duty to comply with the instructions of the command and control structure.”

Indeed, as Sundance reports, “Chief Sloly outlined that federal intelligence authorities will be ‘collecting financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver identification, insurance status and other related evidence that will be used in prosecution.’ The jackboots will focus on using acts of mischief, hate, harassment, intimidation and other threatening behaviors, whether real or created by Canadian intelligence operations, to target the protestors.”

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Jordan Peterson slams Gerald Butts as a “stunningly corrupt and incendiary fool”

(2) Toronto Star asks feds for millions more taxpayer dollars  

(3) Why Canadian intelligence agencies never saw the freedom convoy coming

(4) Trucker convoy: Downtown silent for first time in 11 days; Protesters paralyze Windsor-Detroit bridge

(5) As protest hits Ambassador Bridge, PM can’t simply yell racist to fix this growing problem



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February 10, 2022 7:18 am

Ok, where did the comment go to? Whatever…..
Its sad but true. Ottawa has the butts and Quebec has the caq.
Go figure.

February 10, 2022 7:14 am

What can I say, the truth hurts. Ottawa has the butts and Quebec City has the cag.

February 9, 2022 2:27 pm

Italy’s Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano endorses the Canadian Truck drivers against the New World Order…

Today more than ever it is essential that you realize that it is no longer possible to passively assist: it is necessary to take a position, to fight for freedom, to demand respect for natural freedoms. But even more, dear Canadian brothers, it is necessary to understand that this dystopia serves to establish the dictatorship of the New World Order and totally erase every trace of Our Lord Jesus Christ from society, from history, and from the traditions of peoples. 

Abp. Viganò endorses Canadian truck drivers, calls for prayers to defeat ‘infernal’ Great Reset – LifeSite (

February 9, 2022 2:22 pm

Justin Trudeau’s half-brother says Canadian truckers are protesting against ‘house of cards of lies’

Hmmm got me thinking. Trudeau called the snap election last fall calling it the most important election in Canadian history. But important for who? Not Canada. Canada got absolutely nothing in return for this obscene waste of $600M. Oh, silly me. It actually did accomplish something after all. Exactly as designed. It reset his mandate clock back to 4 yrs. More time to get’er done. Tragically for Canada thanks to our broken election system the 68%+ of Canadians that didn’t vote for Trudeau got him again anyway. The LPC received the lowest % of votes in decades, perhaps ever, yet we’ve still got Trudeau fucking things up. Even Justin Trudeau’s brother has got him figured out…

Justin Trudeau’s half-brother says Canadian truckers are protesting against ‘house of cards of lies’ – YouTube

February 9, 2022 9:50 am

One Canadian woman. Millions (and growing) of Canadian voices.

CBC Workers In Ottawa “Must Watch” | IrnieracingNews – YouTube

Last edited 2 years ago by BTDT
February 9, 2022 1:00 pm
Reply to  BTDT

If you are talking about the CBC then you must know they only put out garbage.