September 10, 2024
Freedom Convoy protests have exposed the deep divisions in our nation...
The protected class versus the working class, East versus West, urban versus rural — the protest is a marker of all these unfortunate divides (a legacy of Liberal rule).

It is getting very rich, this protest. Rich and raw. Very much so; as each day passes and the protest deepens and extends to areas beyond its initial phase, the country is witness to a depth of division not seen in decades. The prime minister is nowhere to be seen, nowhere to be heard.

Rich and raw — I’ll expand on these adjectives, but must note first and condemn the sublimely arrogant, despicable actions of the wretched GoFundMe autocrats.

What mind of a cabbage told you that you had the right to refuse to pass on $9 million donated in good faith to a democratic cause?

What is it about these internet gods with their fat billions and their laptops of gold, that they think they should be the judges of that which is right, and that which is not? Who shall speak on Twitter and who shall not? Who shall be allowed to assemble in the temple of Facebook and who shall be stricken from its pages?

Who knew that GoFundMe operates as the woke court of cancellation culture? As an utterly self-nominated moral clearing house? “These monies we shall pass on to those for whom they were donated. But those we shall stay and send wherever the wind shall list — for those who drive trucks and do manual labour belong not under the wing of GoFundMe Inc.” The intrusion of the tech monarchs into the politics of our democracies is grim and dangerous.

Back to rich and raw.

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Time to finally allow us to get back to living ‘normal’ lives

(2) Truckers rip the mask off the COVID consensus

(3) Despite what Trudeau says, sending the Army into Ottawa is not his decision to make

(4) New Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ fundraising page pulls in over $2 million on first day

(5) Can Conservative Party Leader Candice Bergen Beat Justin Trudeau?



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February 9, 2022 3:23 pm

Britain’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has said that he expects all remaining Chinese Coronavirus restrictions in England — including those to do with self-isolation — to be lifted by the end of the month, provided current “encouraging trends” continue regarding the disease.

Chinese coronavirus. Calling it exactly what it is. Good on ya, Boris.

PM Expects End to ALL Remaining COVID Restriction by End of Month (