September 10, 2024
Freedom Convoy reveals a Canada governed by hypocrisy and traffic jams
What is becoming increasingly clear is that this is a country that — despite laws, legislative bodies and regular elections — is governed by whoever can block traffic the longest.

The Freedom Convoy protests that have overtaken the Ottawa core for a week-and-a-half, impeded a southern Alberta border crossing and spread to Toronto, Vancouver and Quebec City, are revealing the true ideology of this country, and it is definitely not peace, order and good government.

People previously committed to protest, even when it breaks the law, are among the loudest critics of the convoy, while formerly rock-ribbed law and order conservatives are cheering protesters even as they illegally block streets in the capital. The anti-vaccine mandate protests — which features a good number of those who oppose vaccines outright — have turned up to down and left to right. No more “Defund the police,” now it’s “Call in the troops.” No more “Clear the blockades,” now it’s “People have a charter right to express themselves.”

Not everyone has forgotten themselves though. As the honkpocalypse rolled into Edmonton Saturday, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney warned on social media that while people have a right to protest, they should respect the law. “Disrupting the lives of your fellow Albertans & creating illegal, dangerous road hazards is totally unacceptable,” he wrote.

If Kenney hadn’t had such a rough time leading his own United Conservative Party caucus this last year, he might make a credible candidate for the national Conservative leadership because his expression against unlawful protest tactics is in stark contrast to how some federal Tories have reacted.

[Interesting Read]

See Also:

(1) Media Silent On Solution For Convoy Chaos: Trudeau Should Quit

(2) Ottawa: Mayor declares state of emergency; churches close doors to keep worshippers, protesters away

(3) Protests or not, the mandates still need to go

(4) Ottawa police now arresting people providing convoy with ‘material supports’

(5) Canadians are done with lockdowns



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February 8, 2022 5:20 pm

Choosing instead to call everyday working Canadians Nazi or racists. This is the speech a Prime Minister, a genuine leader and not a divider would be giving to this nation TODAY…

Moe announces vaccine mandate will end on Feb. 13 – YouTube