Canadian national hero Terry Fox (1958-1981), after having had a leg amputated due to cancer in 1977, embarked on a cross-country run in 1980 to raise money for cancer research. An annual event held across Canada continues to honor his memory. Terry Fox became a national hero because he represented the spirit of courage and defiance, of rising above the odds, of refusing to surrender to the trials of his condition. He began his “Marathon of Hope” in St. John’s on the island of Newfoundland and ran many thousand kilometers to Thunder Bay, Ontario.
In a telling parallel, the Freedom Convoy, taking issue with the vaccine mandates and demanding the resignation of Canada’s discredited prime minister Justin Trudeau, traversed the country from Prince Rupert, British Columbia to the nation’s capital in Ottawa, travelling approximately the same distance, almost 4,000 kilometers, enduring sub-zero temperatures and without accommodations and salaried income. GoFundMe predictably suspended trucker crowdfunding, only a small portion of the over $10 million sum accumulated having been released owing to obstructionist government intervention. The transparent pretext is that the funds may be used to promote “extremism,” “hate” and “violence.”
Though hampered by spiteful authoritarian manipulations, maligned by the press and the political elect, and libeled for the heinous act of profaning the statue of Terry Fox, the truckers, in fact, embody the buoyant spirit of Terry Fox as they bravely protest the sickly condition in which the country now finds itself—a corrupt media, a coercive government, a heretofore apathetic public and probably the absolute worst prime minister who has ever defaced not a statue but his very office. They want their traditional freedoms back. They want their Constitutional rights restored. And they are prepared to assert these rights.
It is hard to miss the irony of an avowedly socialist prime minister cynically abusing the class of working people whom he presumably represents and on whom the nation depends for its survival, accusing them of racism and of stealing food from the homeless. It is equally hard not to see that the truckers are the avatars of Terry Fox. A majority of Canadians now approve of their mission. The truckers are on the way to becoming national heroes. As Chris Queen at PJM writes, “what started as a convoy within one sector of the Canadian economy is turning into a national movement advocating for freedom. It’s enough to warm your heart, even in the cold Canadian winter.”
[Read It All]
See Also:
(1) Will Canada’s truckers score a victory for all free people?
(2) Vancouver protest: Hundreds converge on downtown to oppose health mandates
(3) Justin Trudeau Shows How Manipulative and Pathetic the Global Elites Are
(4) Trucker convoy: Ottawa ‘under siege’ amid ‘nation-wide insurrection,’ officials say
(5) Another convoy descends on Edmonton to show local support for protesters in Ottawa
Ottawa Mayor offended by children in bouncy castles. ‘Protestors’ singing and dancing. Police ‘attack’ Freedom Convoy truckers by issuing traffic tickets, confiscating fuel and other necessities of life.
Man Who Rammed Car into Winnipeg Freedom Convoy Protesters is Antifa Activist David Zegarac.
If the citizens of Ottawa are in general agreement with their Mayor declaring a state of emergency then they are richly deserving of distain and mockery from real Canadians. Weak, selfish, pathetic people unwilling to give up even the tiniest of inconveniences in order to ‘Stand On Guard For Thee’.
Six Comments On The Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
#1: In Canada, it’s not just truckers anymore who are protesting, they’re coming from all walks of life now.
Message to Canadian leaders (if there are any out there)
Seize the day!
Six Comments On The Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy – The Blue State Conservative