As a caravan of Canadian truckers, composed of thousands and stretching 45 miles, made its way to the Canadian capital of Ottawa in protest of leftist tyranny, the propagandist media moved swiftly to downplay the size and scope of it all. A USA Today “fact checker” wrote: “Canada truck convoy not an official Guinness World record.”
The current Guinness record for the longest “truck parade” is 480 vehicles stretching across 4.6 miles. The 45-mile-long Canadian freedom caravan would easily have beaten the current Guinness record by a factor of 10 had protest organizers applied to beat the record. But setting a Guinness record was not at the top of the freedom truckers’ agenda. Instead, the brave truckers were going to Ottawa to protest against tyranny and its Canadian poster child, Justin Trudeau.
So while USA Today’s “fact check” was technically true, it was nothing more than a desperate, pedantic effort to dismiss the overwhelming size and significance of the freedom caravan.
Other propagandists simply lied.A Washington Post writer claimed the caravan was made up of “hundreds of trucks and personal vehicles.” The same Post propagandist described the protestors as a “fringe group” and “unfortunate minority.” Prime Minister-in-hiding Justin Trudeau repeated the totalitarian talking point, condemning the protestors as a “small fringe minority.”
Trudeau and the media know the protestors aren’t a “fringe minority.” On the contrary, these tyrants know it is they who are the fringe minority. But they also understand that what power they have is derived exclusively from a fearful and obedient patriotic majority; a majority, which accepts the tyrants’ big lie that they are a powerless and outnumbered minority.
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See Also:
(1) FIRST READING: Military tells Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers
(2) Weekend freedom protests planned in cities across Canada
(3) Freedom convoy plans move to Winnipeg
(4) Justice Centre lawyers in Ottawa representing Freedom Convoy truckers
(5) These doctors and COVID-19 experts are pushing for quicker return to pre-pandemic normal