September 10, 2024
Will We End Up Invading Canada?
Right now Crusty and his pals are willing to send your kids to fight for the ruling class’s prerogatives in a frigid place across the globe. Do you think he would be able to resist the entreaties of his fellow travelers if normal people looked like they were about to seize power next door?

The old stereotype of Canadians as slow-talking, syrup-slurping igloo jockeys has been dashed this week as our friends to the north have launched a peaceful working class revolt against the blackface-wearing clown they have as their prime minister, as well as against that country’s entire ruling caste. We patriotic Americans stand in solidarity with the big rig truckers pushing back against The Man – although that assumes their oppressor’s gender. But, in this Age of Insanity, there’s always the possibility of chaos – even in Canada.

While the good-natured, polite pushback against the globalist establishment has been entirely pleasant so far, the terrified elite’s reaction to it has not. It’s been ugly and could get uglier. All over the world, it is the same when the people of what we once knew as the Free World challenge the powerful. The failed global elite is getting desperate to retain its power, from Austria to Australia. All those alleged principles you hear so much about when you try to protect or pursue your own interests? Forget them. Silencing dissenters. Banning assemblies. Even turning the cops on peaceful protestors. These are the tools in the rulers’ toolbox. You see it here in America too, in government and out. Even Neil Young wants to shut down and gag Joe Rogan for refusing to enforce the official narrative, and is anyone surprised? They adore censorship. They won’t call it that. They call it suppressing “misinformation,” with the definition of that term being anything they don’t want people to hear. And they call protest against the corrupt incompetents of the ruling class “insurrection.”

But the elite’s reaction won’t work. Yet, while that’s good, what’s bad is that this will not stop their bitter defense of their rule. They will take the next step, and the next, to keep their power.

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Biden and his pro-criminal Democrats

(2) Canadian Police Order Anti-Mandate Protesters to Disperse

(3) Take That, Truckers: GoFundMe Freezes $10 Million Canadian Freedom Convoy Fundraiser

(4) ‘Illegal activity will not be tolerated’: Ottawa police arrest three after demonstration-related investigations

(5) The COVID Narrative is Falling Apart



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February 4, 2022 3:11 pm

What is Trudeau afraid of? This!

Public opinion in Canada swung 15% to create a solid majority against all restrictions and mandates. 

It’s a lesson to all of us. It shows that only an active minority of people can make a massive difference, if they speak with moral conviction and courage. Everyone else follows, provided the message is clear and speaks to the reality all around us.

All wars come to an end, but governments rarely think in advance about the exit strategy. Instead, they kill and destroy until exhaustion sets in and then try to sneak away hoping that everyone will just move on. That’s pretty much how things fared with the Iraq War, and the results were devastating for the whole world. 

We CANNOT let those responsible for the COVID debacle in its entirety to simply ‘sneak away’ and avoid responsibility. Oh, they’ll try! No way. Meaningful (as in impossible to forget) deterrence and denunciation or they will do it again.

The Power of Protest ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Last edited 2 years ago by BTDT