September 10, 2024
Whoopi Goldberg for Supreme Court Justice...
Joe Biden has found his nominee — but he’s got only two weeks to complete the deal.

Like all American patriots, I stand ready to help my president. Since I can’t find one, I may as well help Joe Biden.

Mr. Biden has made clear that the next U.S. Supreme Court justice needs to have two qualifications: black skin and a vagina. She does not need to have attended law school, much less to have passed a state bar exam on the first try. Sounds like his requirements for vice president. (Note: Amy Coney Barrett — pronouns: she/her/hers — passed on her first bar-exam try. #MeToo. She meets only one Biden criterion. I meet none — pronouns: me/myself/I.)

I scour the American landscape searching for a worthy nominee to sit on the SCOTUS seat being vacated by the comparatively moderate, pensive, and insightful Justice Stephen Breyer — perhaps the last reasonable liberal the Court will see for a long time. We now are in the Sotomayor Era by which woke justices first shoot their left-corrupted arrows and only afterwards paint their progressive bullseyes around them. The search is on for a black woman to sit on the Court. At least she is permitted to be binary.

The Left’s slavemaster system goes to extraordinary lengths to suppress black conservatives. Democrats held nothing back when trying to prevent Justice Clarence Thomas from ascending to the Court and Biden explicitly told black Americans that, if they don’t vote Democrat, they ain’t black. They are determined to define black Americans to hold them securely in Democrat pockets.

Since Biden wants a black woman for the Court, Whoopi Goldberg immediately jumps to mind. First, she is no more a “Goldberg” than I am an Ocasio-Hyphen-Squad-Hyphen-Cortes. Whoopi actually is — get this! — a Karen: Caryn Elaine Johnson. The daughter of a Baptist clergyman, she has no Jewish anything in her.

[Interesting Read]

See Also:

(1) Why Whoopi Goldberg’s Holocaust Interpretation Is Dumb As Rocks

(2) Whoopi Goldberg ‘livid,’ threatening to quit ‘The View’ over her suspension: source

(3) Oh, So That’s What Whoopi Goldberg Might Decide to Do Following Her Suspension

(4) The Hateful Hypocrisy of Whoopi Goldberg: The view from Israel

(5) Gutfeld: Whoopi would never defend me, but I’ll defend her



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February 5, 2022 10:45 am

Right, the woman who defended dog fighting as a cultural thing. Of what possible use is such a person except to scorn.