September 10, 2024
It is to laugh!
Is it really that hard for politicians to acknowledge that the majority of people who went all the way to Ottawa are just decent folks?

No Molotov cocktails.

No vulgar harassment of police — no “All cops are bastards” signs.

No rocks for every Starbucks window and those of small businesses. No blizzard of break-ins, no store owners standing guard on their shops. No arson or looting.

Jan. 6 insurrection Canadian edition? Ha! It is to laugh. I’ve seen more threatening picnics thrown by a few nuns.

Yet if you listened to much of the established press predictions, Ottawa over the weekend was supposed to be like Rome waiting for the Visigoths. Ooooh — the end of cottage government as we’ve come to know it. A full-scale assault on our Zoom Parliament.

Plain, straight reportage uninflected by the personal dispositions or ideological pre-sets of the reporters or the corporations they work for was hard to come by. Our stern reporters, always ready to squeak agreement to power, worked to set a context.

They perspired with eagerness that an almost completely incident-free protest might turn into a gathering of “yahoos.” That an angry diesel mob fired up by Boston creams and cold coffee would storm the House of Cottage and end democracy in Canada, such as we know it. They leaped at trivial individual mischiefs and tried to brand the entire protest as negative and even hateful.

The bottom line — they did not cover this protest in the gentle, generally approving manner they have covered so many others, from the Summit of the Americas demonstrations in Quebec City in 2001 to Black Lives Matter in 2020. I believe that Justin Trudeau joined that one.

The contributions over the course of this protest from the prime minister and the NDP’s Jagmeet Singh were viciously demeaning.

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Protesters Rebuke Trudeau’s Accusations Against Trucker Convoy

(2) Rishi Maharaj: Collective anger is justified; a police riot is not

(3) As Quebec City braces for trucker protest convoys, Legault calls for order

(4) Toronto Police, OPP plan for potential weekend trucker rally at Queen’s Park

(5) Trudeau, the media, and minor politicians attack Canada’s truckers



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February 4, 2022 1:59 pm

Ottawa police say they are stepping up measures to protect downtown neighbourhoods as the ‘Freedom Convoy’ protest reaches the one-week mark.

The strategy includes sending 150 more officers to affected neighbourhoods to target unlawful behaviour connected to the ongoing occupation, which is a protest against COVID-19 mandates.

So Ottawa Police Chief, the big crackdown is coming? What lawlessness? Jaywalking? Illegal parking? Obstructing the entrance to a Star Bucks? The mother of all lawlessness, draping a Terry Fox statue with a Canadian flag? John A. Macdonald no big deal but a Terry Fox statue is a bridge too far? Ottawa Police will have zero tolerance for such shocking lawlessness from an insignificant group of gap toothed grade school drop out rube truck drivers. (sarc off)

A message to all Canadian members of Parliament. Never compromise you principles, even if it leads to difficulties in the short term. Unless that is you never had principles to compromise in the first place.

February 4, 2022 3:45 pm
Reply to  BTDT

Is this what may be giving the Ottawa Police Chief the jitters by day and the sweats by night? Or is it the pressure he may be under from the tyrants to send his troops out to bust some heads?

Note: Another column of the Freedom Convoy is at the Manitoba Legislature right now.

CHILLS: Canadian Freedom Convoy Supporters Holding Hands, Singing, Tyrants Are SHOOK – Whatfinger News – Videos

February 4, 2022 9:45 am