September 10, 2024
The Canadian truckers and the missing conservative politicians...
“I think it’s hilarious that the socialists are furious about the workers of the world uniting”: Schlichter

For anyone who doesn’t watch the mainstream media, what’s happening in Canada has been one of the most exciting things in the two years since COVID left China and turned most of the world’s Western politicians into tyrants.  Across Canada, outside the despotic confines of Justin Trudeau’s brain and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, people are galvanized by the 45-mile-long truckers’ convoy that drove into Ottawa in pursuit of liberty.  The Canadian opposition, however, although given a golden political opportunity, had nothing to say for a week, only stirring itself on Monday to a few weak pieties.  Jordan Peterson gave them a solid scolding for their dismal performance.

Unsurprisingly, Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse, noticed that Canada’s conservatives couldn’t bestir themselves to capitalize on the truckers’ inspiring stand.  He grouped their passivity with the silence of conservative leadership in Australia, Canada, and the U.K.  I would add that we can say the same about most congressional “conservatives” in America.

The way I see it, across the Western world, so-called conservatives come from the same class as the leftists.  They’ve all been to the same schools, and, even if the conservatives oppose socialism when push comes to shove, they all share the same disdain for the working people who make the world go.  Photo ops are one thing; letting the “little people” be around them unmasked and unjabbed is another thing entirely.  And of course, a lot of these politicians are cowards, whether moral or physical (or, as we see from “Brave” Sir Justin, the Runaway Prime Minister, both).

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See Also:

(1) On the Subtlety of Monsters

(2) Canadians now realize our health enforcers have gone too far

