On Wednesday, Liberal MPs used their majority on the ethics committee to vote down opposition attempts to have Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion testify.
Dion would have answered questions about his report on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau being found guilty of breaking a section in the Conflict of Interest Act.
The commissioner had already agreed to do this and seemed more than accommodating with his schedule. There were no logistical challenges.
The reason it didn’t come to pass is that the Liberals just didn’t let it. A cover up, if you will.
And not the first during the SNC-Lavalin affair, but the third. Back in March, Liberal MPs on the justice committee voted down bringing in Jody Wilson-Raybould to tell more of her story for the second time, something she was keen to do. Later that same month, the ethics committee tried to have her testify there, only for those plans to meet the same demise, as Liberal MPs shut it all down.
It was rotten that they did what they did back then, but it arguably made sense from the vantage point of the Prime Minister’s Office. Who knew what Wilson-Raybould would say? Her first committee appearance was a bombshell that shocked political observers. The second, for all anyone knew, could have done further untold damage.
See Also:
(1) Ignatieff champions puffin as symbol of Liberal party (old story)
(2) The Liberals are blowing smoke with claim they ‘wiped out’ half of illegal cannabis market
(3) It’s the election laws at fault, not Elections Canada
(4) Climate change fracas exposes ridiculous third-party spending rules