February 14, 2025
Maxime Bernier announces how his People's Party plans to get way stricter on immigration
Bernier's appeal to nationalism advanced substantially with Wednesday's speech, which took sharp aim at Trudeau's 'diversity is our strength' mantra
Bernier’s appeal to nationalism advanced substantially with Wednesday’s speech, which took sharp aim at Trudeau’s ‘diversity is our strength’ mantra

MISSISSAUGA, Ont. — If Maxime Bernier becomes prime minister, his People’s Party of Canada would be “fencing off the areas” along those areas along the border used by illegal migrants, notably Roxham Road that connects New York State and Quebec, the party leader announced at a campaign event Wednesday evening.

“Build a fence. Build a fence,” chanted one supporter, Michael Cieslinski, a child and youth support worker who was streaming the speech to his YouTube channel.

When asked who would pay for the fence, in an interview after his speech, Bernier emphasized that the fencing would just be for problem spots. “It’s not a wall. It’s a fence. There’s no cost for that … It’s a question of declaring our sovereignty.”

Bernier also said in his speech that he will reduce the total intake of immigrants and refugees to between 100,000 and 150,000 annually, depending on economic circumstances, which is significantly lower than the federal Liberals’ target of 350,000 per year. He also said he will outlaw “birth tourism,” a practice where foreign travellers come to Canada to deliver children as a way to secure citizenship. He promised to increase the proportion of economic immigrants to non-economic-class immigrants and require immigration applicants to go through face-to-face interviews to assess the extent to which they align with Canadian values.


See Also:

(1) People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier cites heavily criticized research to deny a climate emergency

(2) Why you shouldn’t expect to see populism take root in Canada

(3) Only Elizabeth May and Maxime Bernier are consistent on climate change

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July 26, 2019 6:55 pm

Bernier also said in his speech that he will reduce the total intake of immigrants and refugees to between 100,000 and 150,000 annually

So is Bernier lying, dreaming or uninformed. Legal immigrants are held to the official government numbers because the invitation stops when the limit is reached. But, and this is a big but, neither he nor anyone else can reduce the numbers of refugees because under our current laws there is NO limit. Claiming otherwise is politicians lying to Canadians. Not one single refugee has ever been stopped and turned back because the ‘official’ government number has been attained. Because until we change our laws as they pertain to refugees (the immigration laws are just fine IMO), it is they who control our border, not us.