November 6, 2024
Trudeau starts another battle with Ford
Trudeau needs a villain to win seats in Ontario and he’s picked Doug Ford to play that part.
Trudeau needs a villain to win seats in Ontario and he’s picked Doug Ford to play that part.

The Trudeau government is opening up another front in their war with Ontario’s Ford government — all as part of their re-election strategy.

After starting battles over infrastructure spending and legal aid funding, the feds are now taking aim at abortion and heatlh-care funding in Ontario.

Federal Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor sent a letter on Wednesday to her provincial counterpart, Christine Elliott, claiming Ontario was in violation of the Canada Health Act over changes to the funding for out-of-province health care.

Under the changes, the province is ending the Out-of-Country Travellers Program, something Pettipas Taylor called,“an action which would be inconsistent with the portability criterion of the Canada Health Act.”

The program covered Ontario residents who were out of country with up to $400 a day for the most acute care such as surgery or the intensive care unit. Other services, such as outpatient services, were capped at $50 per day.


See Also:

(1) Call for municipal infrastructure boost comes as Trudeau blames conservative premiers for delays

(2) Critics slam reports of Doug Ford’s changes to Toronto relief line plan

(3) ‘No one influences my government’: Doug Ford says Ontario government decisions cannot be swayed by lobbyists

(4) Why Doug Ford may finally be putting the scandals behind him


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