February 13, 2025
Our leaders think we’re idiots, Chapter 4,329: Milk
What Canadians would like to see from their leaders is not bulls in china shops, but grown-ups. On the Food Guide fight, they fail.
What Canadians would like to see from their leaders is not bulls in china shops, but grown-ups. On the Food Guide fight, they fail.

It’s still only July, and we don’t vote until October, but is it too soon to start demanding that our political leaders stop taking us for perfect fools? Today’s Exhibit A is Andrew Scheer.

The Conservative leader announced to dairy farmers the other day that Canada’s Food Guide, as updated by the Trudeau Liberals, is mean to milk. This is because the guide urges Canadians to “make water your drink of choice.”

“Complete lack of consultation,” Scheer said. The food guide should “reflect what we know, what the science tells us.”

Could this be true? Seven seconds of Googling tells us that, indeed, it is not. Over here at foodguideconsultation.ca, we see the results of Health Canada’s consultations on the food guide. In Phase I of the consultation, nearly 20,000 people and organizations made submissions, including 265 organizations representing the food industry.

In Phase 2, more than 6,000 submissions were received, including 98 from the food and beverage industry. Most submissions agreed with promoting water consumption, noted that milk is a “healthy” alternative, and indeed emphasized that for the youngest children, there’s no need to discourage fatty homogenized milk.


See Also:

(1) Trudeau has apologized for everything but his broken promises

(2) The political resurrection of Gerald Butts