February 14, 2025
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July 16, 2019 6:25 pm

Agreed. Bill Whittle (who should be a Trump adviser on numerous issues) is on fire. And he is 100% correct about NASA. Unfortunately he doesn’t cover the fact that NSAS was able to put a man on the moon thanks in a very major part to Canadians who got fired from the AVRO Arrow project here in Canada and were instantly scooped by NASA. Global National is doing a special I think sometime this week about this disgraceful betrayal of Canada. Yes, betrayal. That’s why upon cancellation of the AVRO Arrow every single piece of paper relating to its design and manufacture was ordered destroyed. Why? The 4 completed and airworthy aircraft were cut up into little unrecognizable pieces. Why? The Brits offer to buy the 4 completed fighters to use for their own research but were turned down. Better to destroy them? Why? It wasn’t sufficient to simply cancel the Arrow project due to cost overruns. It’s very existence had to be erased as much as humanly possible. Why? After Diefenbaker’s betrayal (and in fairness he might have been betrayed himself by insiders with an agenda) everybody who was anybody from the Arrow program moved south to join NASA. Coincidence? Canadian expertise put that America on the moon. 14,000 Canadians went to work at Avro that fateful morning and came home unemployed.

Bill describes a number of valid causes for the utter failure of NASA to fulfill its mandate over the past decades. Here’s the reason for 8 yrs of that wasted time that he didn’t mention. The Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama…

Earlier this year, Mr Obama announced the scrapping of the moon programme in favour of an aspiration to visit Mars, cancelling the Constellation programme for manned space flight, the successor to the Space Shuttle.

It means Nasa would not be able to travel beyond the Earth’s lower orbit without international assistance and need the help of allies to make it to Mars.

The proposal angered Neil Armstrong and Eugene Cernan, the first and last men to walk on the moon.

Along with Jim Lovell, the Apollo 13 commander, they issued a statement denouncing the decision “devastating” and a plan that “destines our nation to become one of second- or even third-rate stature.”

They were exactly right.
