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In a massive step toward unionizing (Ed: Association??) for the first time in the force’s history, RCMP members voted overwhelmingly to certify the National Police Federation as their new bargaining agent.
The National Police Federation (NPF) filed an application for certification at the Federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) in April 2018.
FPSLREB documents obtained by CBC News showed that of 14,459 ballots cast, 14,012 voted to certify the NPF. That’s more than 97 per cent.
According to the documents, the NPF has been certified as the first bargaining agents for “all the employees who are RCMP members (excluding officer and civilian members) and all the employees who are reservists.”
In a statement on the NPF website, the organization’s co-chairs said the group is “in the process of serving Treasury Board with a ‘Notice to Bargain’ and will begin that phase shortly.”
The Quebec Mounted Police Members Association had also applied, but only to represent the 900 frontline members in Quebec. Their application was dismissed by the FPSLREB on Thursday, according to the documents.
The Supreme Court of Canada in 2015 struck down a law that specifically forbade the Mounties from unionizing, saying it violated their charter rights to freedom of association.
See Also:
(2) Canada Pension Plan caved to pressure from activists — where will it stop?
(3) Canadians can expect to have their personal information collected at Canada-U.S. border
(4) Global Affairs: Canadian citizen has been detained in China
(5) China urges Canada to release Huawei executive
So once again, the person who IMO is nothing more than 10 lbs of bullshit stuffed into a 5 lb bag, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale BS’s Canadians by telling them that “The Government of Canada is determined to keep our border secure”. Keep? It has historically never been secure, and it never will be. We simply cannot do it by ourselves. We need American help. We do have some semblance of security in our Ports of Entry such as airports, sea ports etc. But otherwise our border exists only on a map. But don’t take my word for it just ask these 28,000 foreigners alone what they think of our ‘secure border’. Never mind, their actions speak louder than their words ever could.
“From January 2017 to March 2018, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police intercepted 25,645 people crossing the border into Canada illegally. Public Safety Canada estimated that another 2,500 came across in April 2018 for a total of just over .”
The RCMP intercepted? No, these 28,000 walked up to an RCMP officer and turned themselves in. The unknown number of foreigners who entered Canada uninvited, illegally and did not turn themselves in will never be known because 10 lbs of bullshit stuffed into a 5 lb bag has no flipping clue and neither does the RCMP or anybody else for that matter. Including our SOLMALIAN/canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. Who I remind condemned and labelled Canadians who dared to express their skepticism for the irresponsible (putting it mildly) Liberal refugee policies and accompanying concern for their country (i.e. national security) as “irresponsible, it’s divisive, it’s fearmongering and it’s not Canadian, and it’s very dangerous.”
Recently released figures from America indicate that 9 out o10 of refugee claims from their southern border are fraudulent. Fake. As in NOT fleeing persecution, torture or death. But Canadians are to believe the only 1 in 28 of these foreign invaders crashing our “secure’ border are fake refugees? There it is again, proof. 10 lbs of bullshit stuffed into a 5 lb bag.
Know this. 30 yrs ago while on a Criminal Immigration Enforcement course at the Canadian Police College in Ottawa this is what we were told. Canada is for sale by our politicians. They were right then and they are still right today. Look no further than this. Team Canada on our border. Our Minister of Public Safety, our Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. Our politically neutered RCMP and their partners in immigrant enforcement are mostly for show. They would love to be unshackled. Oh Canada. Who stands on guard for thee?
One last thing. Our government should be fully supportive of President Trump building the border wall. Any foreigner who gets into the USA via that gaping hole in North America’s defences has unfettered access (via our ‘secure’ border) to Canada if they so choose. An ink line on a map and 10 lbs of bullshit will not deter them.
“An ink line on a map and 10 lbs of bullshit will not deter them”
I neglected to include this. Neither will our SOMALIAN/canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship standing on the Canadian side of the border holding a ‘Welcome Home’ sign in one hand and waving a checker flag with the other, deter them.