The odds are pretty good that at some point in the next several months, Canadians will receive a lecture on the cruelties of “austerity.”
Austerity, in the lexicon of those who deride it, means any effort to control public spending should it ever interfere in programs or policies a particular candidate endorses. Liberals and left-wingers are firmly opposed to austerity, even though the most stringent recent example was put in place by the government of former prime minister Jean Chrétien and his finance minister, Paul Martin.
Even though the Chrétien-Martin plan worked wonderfully well, producing years of surpluses, the word has since been reduced to the status of a profanity. It’s all but certain it will be directed at Conservative leader Andrew Scheer between now and the election in October.
One oddity with austerity is that the word is most often used when referring to Conservatives. When Liberals, or even New Democrats, feel the outflow of cash is getting worrisome, they pledge to “control spending.” When Conservatives do it, it’s “austerity” and deserving of condemnation. Another peculiarity is the fact that any real support for austerity — not only in Canada but among leaders in other parts of the developed world — appears to have faded to near invisibility. It’s a McGuffin: which the director Alfred Hitchcock identified as a device of no real consequence on its own, but needed to keep the plot moving.
See Also:
(1) Trudeau faced with Attawapiskat protest in appearance at teachers’ federation event
(2) Canada’s first federal accessibility legislation comes into force
(3) Quebec is driving Western alienation
(5) Land at centre of Oka crisis surrendered by Quebec developer, 29 years later
(6) Trudeau plays to Quebec anti-pipeline sentiment with activist candidate in Montreal
So thankyou you, Conservative Party of Canada. Good job. Not for providing the best. Merely the least worst. A great way to be FORCED to vote in an election, holding your nose. Oh Canada. Who will stand on guard for thee? Hint…
As a lifelong conservative I have this question about Andrew Scheer. Where did the CPC find this guy anyway? Is he the best conservatives can come up with? God help us if he is. God help Canada. All politicians in all parties lie and lie and lie because they are owned lock stock and barrel by the special interest groups that finance their elections. Based on what I have been seeing and hearing I conclude that Andrew Scheer is owned just like everybody else. From Maxime’s ears to yours…
Bernier said the Conservative party has “all but abandoned its core conservative principals” under the “current leadership.” Check.
He attacked the party for supporting the Liberal government on a range of issues, including the retaliatory tariffs launched against the U.S., as well as for refusing to end corporate subsidies and supporting Canada’s supply management system for dairy products – even though he says some in the caucus want the dairy “cartel” shut down. In other words, positions Bernier held during the leadership race more than a year ago. Check.
“The Conservative party has abandoned conservatives,” he said. “It does not represent them anymore. And it has nothing of substance to offer Canadians looking for an alternative.” Check.
He said Scheer’s strategy has been to “play identity politics, pander to various interest groups and buy votes with promises – just like the Liberals.” Check.
“I have come to realize over the past year that this party is too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed,” he said. Check.
“I am now convinced that what we will get if Andrew Scheer becomes prime minister is just a more moderate version of the disastrous Trudeau government.” Check mate.