NO deal has always been the best approach. It seems inappropriate to exhibit Germanic schadenfreude so I hesitate to remind politicians that way back in 2016 I was one of a very few people who said to the Government and in the press, that the UK should not negotiate but should instead adopt a very simple position.
That position was to say to the EU that we intend to leave on WTO terms and set a date of our choosing for that exit. We should also say that our door is open should the EU wish to seek a trade arrangement. This would have simultaneously changed the dynamic of any conversation. It would have shown our determination to seek independence and given absolute certainty to business in order that they might plan to manage the exit and pursue the opportunities it presented.
The Government could itself have concentrated on putting in place arrangements and negotiating putative trade deals around the world, in anticipation of our leaving. It would also have eliminated the need for a transition period, the political declaration and a withdrawal agreement of the kind we have been saddled with.
Unfortunately none of this was possible while we had an administration which was hell bent on keeping us as close to the EU as possible and being supplicant.
While also we had to endure a continuing campaign by Remoaners in the civil service, institutions and the CBI, all trying to undermine any possibility of the UK adopting policies in its own interests and, to top it all, a Parliament rammed with Remainers seeking to undermine.
Had a leave leaning Jeremy Corbyn not skilfully neutralised a rampantly remain Labour Party, the Conservative remainers would have overwhelmed the ERG and we would have by now become a colony of the wannabe super state across the channel. All of these actors would have been considered Quislings in another era.
[Interesting Read]
See Also:
(1) European Powers Which Stuck by Iran Deal ‘Strongly Urge’ Tehran to Stop Breaking It
(4) IDS urges Boris to use Brexit powers to ban China trade – ‘We can lead the world on this!’
(5) EU on the BRINK: Boris defiance of ‘bullying’ plot paves way for Brexit dominoes to fall