November 1, 2024
So many beclownings to choose from.
You know they hate you, right? Really and truly, and they want you silenced, disenfranchised, and dead if necessary. That woman the federal cop shot on video in the Capitol, capped for trespassing, was expendable and so are you.
You know they hate you, right? Really and truly, and they want you silenced, disenfranchised, and dead if necessary. That woman the federal cop shot on video in the Capitol, capped for trespassing, was expendable and so are you.

I’m not sure which is my favorite aspect of this disgraceful and dangerous festival of bans, gagging, and silencing that the Establishment embarked upon last week after it finally discovered one kind of riot it didn’t approve of. Maybe it was the journalists cheering censorship. Maybe it was True Conservatives™ like that geek from National Review giving censorship a soft, girlish thumbs-up – perhaps if the libs shut down the competition then people will sign up for NR’s cruises again. Ahoy! Or maybe it was the ACLU trying to balance the realization that having corporations not totally control what people say is bad with the imperative that Orange Man Bad.

So many beclownings to choose from. 

Oh wait, I forgot the promiscuous use of terms like “insurrectionist” and “sedition,” coming after four years of putting “treason” out on the street to work the corners. Well, if standing up to the fascist Establishment is those things now, you’ll find they just don’t carry the stigma the Establishment is hoping for anymore. In Orwellian America, the meaning of words change as needed. “Capitalism” has changed too – if this Chi Com-smooching corporatist oligarchy is “capitalism,” then I’m something else.

They want to impeach the president too, and certainly a few GOP invertebrates will go along with it. The idea is not to hold him accountable for some imagined “incitement” – being lectured about fomenting mobs by that withered hag Maxine Waters, whose mess I had to clean up when I mobilized for the LA riots (excuse me, “LA Rebellion”), is almost too funny – but to humiliate you, to try and tar him historically, and to bar him from running again.

As usual, they are stupid. No one’s getting humiliated since this gambit will fail in the Senate, the certain vote of Mitt (R?-Miracle Whip) in solidarity with the people who accused him of wanting to reimpose slavery notwithstanding. It won’t tar Trump historically – I was never one for the “History’s gonna judge you harshly if you don’t embrace my policy preferences” flex anyway, but Trump’s amazing term cries out for a fresh take in the future by a historian not terrified that his history department is going to fire him for thinking unapproved thoughts.

And barring Trump from running? Say, wouldn’t people concerned with democracy leave the evaluation of Trump’s behavior and suitability for future office to the voters? Yes – next question. 

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Democrats close in for the kill – not just Trump, but all Republicans

(2) There Was No Revolution

(3) We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left

(4) Exactly Where and How Did Trump Incite the Mob?

(5) Rush Limbaugh: The Swamp Is Really Scared of Trump, Here’s Why



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January 12, 2021 12:00 pm

Remember the ‘good old days’ when getting caught actively advocating, discussing conspiring to engage in sedition (or any crime for that matter) resulted in handcuffs, a grand jury, prosecution, conviction and sentencing? Those days are gone and never coming back until/unless the “dumb Americans’ this guy refers to put a stop to it.. If they don’t then the hell in multiple ways that was 2020 is also going to look like the ‘good old days’….

Something else. Does anybody not think that this guy’s social media sites will be full of this kind of rhetoric? He’s not banned from Twitter, Facebook or on any no fly list is he. Somebody (maybe one of those dumb Americans he despises) and start sharing maybe? As if it would do any good but better than rolling over…

The Lib-Fascist Purge