November 13, 2024
We’re not all in this together.
“The lockdown has failed. Not just because the reasoning behind lockdowns is faulty, but because governments have not been honest about it, and do not feel that the pain they are inflicting on others should be shared by themselves.”
“The lockdown has failed. Not just because the reasoning behind lockdowns is faulty, but because governments have not been honest about it, and do not feel that the pain they are inflicting on others should be shared by themselves.”

Reminder: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

From the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic reaching beyond the propaganda swamps of Wuhan, politicians have parroted a single slogan meant to generate a sense of social solidarity; “We’re all in this together.”

Most of us have known better all along. Governments rarely share the same plights as they force on their subjects and citizens.

Anti-gun politicians are regularly surrounded by large squads of trained, heavily armed body guards.

Anti-fossil fuel politicians regularly fly to international confabs in exotic locations to discuss how to make it more expensive for other people to enjoy the same luxury, even with their own money.

So when politicians began shuttering the economy and locking people down, we shouldn’t have been so naive as to expect those in charge to really be “in this together” with the rest of us. A more realistic expectation would have been, “all of you are in this together”.

Politicians that shut down the economy were sheltered by the nature of the job from being laid off or having their pay cut. Small business owners that are forcibly shut down by police sent on the politicians’ behalf are “in this together”. The employees laid off or having their hours cut are “in this together”.

But those ultimately giving the orders are, well, still working. Unfortunately.

The most extreme order given by governments yet – making it illegal to see one’s family at Christmas – was not a request for sacrifice; it was an order to sacrifice. Some ultimately made that sacrifice, but as I’ve written in this space previously, it is likely that many – or most – chose to ignore the government’s decree this time.

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Ontario parents need to speak up now if they don’t want schools kept shut

(2) Rod Phillips and the lost art of political leadership

(3) The Hillier Files: Police investigate MPP Randy Hillier over tweeted holiday gathering

(4) Former finance minister’s trip to Caribbean caps off year of ‘do as I say, not as I do’ from political leaders


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