When ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.
— Thomas Grey
The second half of that illustrious aphorism is not taken by sane people as a recommendation, but then most people are not politicians (which is a good thing) and most politicians are not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (which is a planetary blessing.)
Ocasio-Cortez, the Twitter queen of the Democratic party and reigning star of the Democratic Congressional caucus, has been on a rampage in her opposition to Donald Trump, and most particularly in her opposition to his attempted responses to the crisis at the U.S. southern border, which has been deluged by a record number of undocumented immigrants from Central America. This is the border crisis that Ocasio-Cortez, and many of her exemplary colleagues, plus her trumpeters in the press, (a) denied up until a month ago was a crisis and (b) claimed that the idea that it was a crisis was just a trumped-up (pun absolutely deliberate) false alarm by America’s would-be-tyrant president.
When she abandoned her position there was no crisis at all, she jumped to the absolute opposite contention, that it was in fact a super crisis, and that President Trump’s response was nothing less than a totalitarian horror, the setting up of “concentration camps” (migrant detainment centres).
“The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are,” was her opening salvo, and to eliminate any confusion about what she meant and how strongly she meant it, she continued: “I don’t use those words lightly. I use that word because that is what an administration that creates concentration camps is … Never Again means something.”
See Also:
(1) Donald Trump Announces Massive $105 Million Second Quarter Fundraising Haul
(3) The new left and its Antifa assaults
(4) In the New York Times, a ‘Human Rights’ Professor Calls for Mob Rule
(5) Trump Must Fight Back Against Big Tech Corporate Control—or Risk Losing a Winnable Election