January 16, 2025
Goodbye Kellie Leitch, but thanks for the bizarre entertainment
Mark Bonokoski is obviously losing his mind as he, like many other pandering shills with hidden agenda's, makes a complete idiot of himself.
Mark Bonokoski is obviously losing his mind as he, like many other pandering shills with hidden agenda’s, makes a complete idiot of himself.

Jack’s Note: In my view Kellie didn’t do anything to deserve this final attack as she leaves politics. Personally, I thank her for her service and note Canada has lost a very fine politician because of political correctness. In fact we are losing a lot of them for just that reason and this bullshit has to stop.

Kellie Leitch, on her way out the door of the House of Commons when the last whistle blows, will be taking with her the arrogance and coldness that either encapsulates her personality or comes as the price she must pay for having too many initials following her surname.

But she’s an odd piece of work.

She is as she insists, Dr. Kellie Leitch. P.C., O.Ont., M.D., M.B.A., F.R.C.S.(C). and if one or two initial have escaped, spare me the wrath.

Those initials trailing her name, however, all well-earned, are extremely important to her, as is the fact that she is a doctor, a skilled pediatric surgeon, no less, and (again) spare the poor over-worked political wretch who fails to address her properly as Dr. Leitch.

When Liberal MP Andrew Leslie, a high-ranking retired military veteran quit politics earlier this spring after only one term, the speculation being that he was going testify for the defence in the cocked-up trial of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, Leitch took to Twitter in a display of you-show-me-yours and I’ll-show-you-mine, but making it clear from the outset who won the initial battle.

“I’d like to extend my best wishes for life after politics to the MP with the second most letters after his name, my colleague Lieutenant-General (ret’d) the Honourable Andrew Leslie, PC, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD, MP, MA,” she tweeted.

At this moment, however, Leitch — has just returned from a parliamentary junket to Mexico City where she spoke on gaps in women’s economic rights, even though she will not be a Conservative candidate seeking re-election this October in what one satirical mag refers to as the “running of the reptiles.”


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