I refer of course to the cancellation of the arrangement with the Kielburger boys, Marc and Craig, to distribute 912 million Canadian taxpayer dollars.
From whee to woe — all in a day. I’ve stood longer in airports than WE held the strings on that pile of money. It’s over. They’ve cancelled.
A statement from Youth Minister Bardish Chagger Friday morning said this was a “mutually agreed upon disaster.” Sorry … decision.
One minute you’re a charity, elevated to working with the big boys, walking down the billionaire boulevard, the next, you realize this is not going to fly. At all.
One day every non-profit, NGO and good-cause merchant in the country is bombarding you with emails full of congrats and can-we-have-some, pretty please. The next day your inbox is a cauldron of regret and lamentation. I’m tempted to cite Isaiah 14:12-14.
One day you are offering $12,000 bounties to school teachers who can fish for you at least 75 youth-volunteers. Probably from their own classrooms. The next, the bounty is withdrawn, teachers are in tears, volunteers unrecruited.
[Read It All]
See Also:
(1) WE Charity offered summer camps up to $25,000 to recruit volunteers
(3) Paying students to ‘volunteer’ a bad idea from the start
(4) WE group to stop running federal volunteer program
(5) Internal shakeup saw most of the WE Charity board replaced earlier this year