February 13, 2025
It's time for push back against this defund the police narrative
Hundreds of people showed up to a rally held at Nathan Phillips Square -put together by a group called "No Pride in Policing Coalition" -asking to abolish, defund, disarm police forces in Toronto and across Canada on Sunday June 28, 2020.
Hundreds of people showed up to a rally held at Nathan Phillips Square -put together by a group called “No Pride in Policing Coalition” -asking to abolish, defund, disarm police forces in Toronto and across Canada on Sunday June 28, 2020.

Last week I showed in my column that there are many for whom the phrase “defund the police” means eliminate the police.

Since then, the situation hasn’t improved and most media seem either unaware or unwilling to report on how radical the movement really is.

Black Lives Matter across Canada, in conjunction with Greenpeace, is calling for the total elimination of both police and prisons.

BLM and Greenpeace are self-appointed activists who were not elected to solve anything. Certainly citizens have a right to have their voices heard, but it is beyond doubtful that the majority of the public, regardless of race, gender or any other group has such a radical view.

The problem is that many politicians at the moment are paralyzed with fear and the activists know it. Activist voices are amplified by the vacuum left through the inability of cowardly politicians to fight back.

The majority of people may want, or find themselves willing to discuss, police reform. But they know the police and the prisons fill an unfortunate need.
