“This generation, generation WE, is the one that will disrupt the status quo and shake the foundations of patriarchy”: Keynote speaker at 2017 WE Day UN.
We haven’t got a House of Commons.
We cannot get a financial update.
Our Cottage Life prime minister, all on his every-morning lonesome, has for the past 50 days or so opened the fire hose on public spending, setting off a Niagara-level flow of billions upon billions of dollars.
In the words of Winston Churchill, or someone who sounds a lot like him: Never has so much loot been thrown out the window by so few to so many.
Bill Morneau, nominally the minister of finance, didn’t even show up under the Tent of Commons while Mr. Trudeau shovelled out the billions.
Canada’s auditor general, definitely the most overworked, under-resourced human being in all of Canada, cannot even begin to keep up with the spending, never mind do a proper accounting of it.
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See Also:
(2) Lessons in the rule of law from China? Thanks but no thanks
(4) It’s not just Chesapeake — these Canadian oil and gas companies are in trouble too