February 6, 2025
America’s Problem Is Systemic Liberalism
These people are the Borg. You can’t reason with them – appealing to reason is futile.
These people are the Borg. You can’t reason with them – appealing to reason is futile.

Forget the bizarre and evil concept of national original sin that is the malignant idea that America is built upon “systemic racism.” America’s true systemic flaw, arising at the time of those miserable progressives of yesteryear and continuing up through the miserable progressives of this rotten year, is what we now call “liberalism.”

Oh, it’s not classical liberalism, with its concern for expanding economic and personal rights – you know, individual liberty. The current inverted mutation of liberalism is all about constricting economic and personal rights and forcing individuals into collective boxes where their individuality is subsumed into an easily exploited and manipulated conformist whole. Want to test out this hypothesis? Look through the endless woke tweets of your favorite hack journalist, pinko pol, or Hollywood half-wit, or even go up to some self-described liberal in your own life, and see if you can find one iota of deviation from any of the approved liberal dogma. Good luck. You won’t find a smidgeon of nonconformity. You won’t detect a molecule of dissent. These people are the Borg, if the Borg worked in a giant space coffee house, had Bernie stickers on their spaceships, and could not do a push-up. You can’t reason with them – appealing to reason is futile.

Systemic liberalism is the real poison in America’s veins, not the fanciful notion pushed by bigots, charlatans, and demagogues, that the American enterprise is dedicated to invidious discrimination on the basis of race.

It’s all a lie and a scam.

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See Also:

(1) Who’s the Real Party of the Rich?

(2) Welcome to the neo-Marxist ‘Church of Holy Wokeness’

(3) Rioters who burned police stations and businesses may find their nemesis, Trump, reelected

(4) How Our Mass Dishonor Of Elders Helps Destroy Society

(5) In First Weekend, Looting Damage In 20 Big Cities Exceeded $400 Million