February 13, 2025
If the Democrats recapture the presidency and the Senate, and if their blinkered and narrowly technocratic ideology triumphs, it spells the end of a great America.
Only Donald Trump, our unlikely tribune, stands a chance of restoring an American life that is once again meaningful and good.
Only Donald Trump, our unlikely tribune, stands a chance of restoring an American life that is once again meaningful and good.

This is the summer of our discontent. All the polls appear to have Donald Trump on track for a loss against a somnambulant and increasingly inept Democrat. The United States Supreme Court, supposedly dominated by conservatives, keeps pumping out decisions that could have been rendered by believers in a “living constitution,” our state and local governments keep requiring us to wear soul-crushing facial coverings in public, our favorite restaurants and bars remain shuttered or with diminished capacity, and our great urban centers are convulsed by rioters and looters.

If this is American Greatness, then American Greatness isn’t what it was when we were young.

How did it come to this? The presidential election of 2020  likely will decide whether or not this country will descend into socialism. It is imperative that we understand where we went wrong. 

The errors seem to have permeated much of our chattering classes, and the precise nature of what has failed was made inadvertently clear at a symposium held at Chapel Hill, North Carolina in February, with the provocative title, “Is Meritocracy an Idea Worth Saving?” That high-powered educators and journalists could even debate this question might tell us most of what we need to know, but it is still informative to consider observations made at that gathering, particularly an assessment of America offered by Ross Douthat, purportedly the in-house conservative pundit at the New York Times. 

Douthat observed that the “elites” in America were “all going to Silicon Valley or Wall Street,” though some “do go to Washington, just not in the spirit of service.” Douthat, a Harvard graduate, elaborated: “There’s a sense that opportunity in America exists in the entanglement of Harvard, Silicon Valley, D.C., and Wall Street.” 

With exquisite solipsism, Douthat concluded, “That is opportunity in America today.” He then asked, “What are the power centers that aren’t connected to that world?” And gave his extraordinary answer: “Labor unions? No, they’re gone. Religion? No, it’s in decline. Regional elites and power brokers? No, they don’t matter anymore.”


See Also:

(1) President Trump: Do Something

(2) Trump Will Win If He Responds to Righteous Voter Rage

(3) Trump’s sparse crowd in Tulsa means nothing

(4) Biden Operatives On Ground In Ukraine Trying To Buy Remaining Audio Tape Evidence Of Corruption

(5) How the Democrats are Well on Their Way To Stealing Election 2020

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June 30, 2020 4:37 pm

Millions are people of all races, colours and religions are not flocking to the Soviet Union. China. Cuba. Venezuela and many other socialist countries. No. They are flocking to the a Constitutional Republic called America. A country the progressive democrats and their minions including the corrupt fake news media hate and want to destroy. The enemy wants to tear America down and blow up its very foundations ISIS and the Buddha Statues style. Obama cleverly disguised it by calling it fundamental transformation. Yes, the presidential election of 2020 likely will decide whether or not America will descend into socialism. The evil that hates the national anthem. Hate the Stars and Stripes. Despises the half of the country that loves America. That wants to burn America to the ground. If the Democrats retake the Senate and the WH in November this America will be gone. Forever. And smug TDS infected, CNN and The View faithful fan Canadians will soon woe what they wished for. If America falls as surely as the sun rises in the east each morning Canada will be next. The axis of evil, a controlling power American Democrat Party (and POTUS) Trudeau and real and all powerful man behind the curtain, George Soros will seal our fate. Future generations of Americans and as it pertains to us, Canadians will curse us for allowing that to happen.

This is a perfect demonstration of who and what the left hates……and wants to destroy. They hate the Stars and Stripes. They hate the American anthem. They hate every single flag waving cheering patriot. They hate every single second of this video.
