RUSH: Recent discussions of the Michael Flynn case — remember when the DOJ first told the judge, Emmet Sullivan (imitating Sullivan), “We’re dropping the charges, we’re pulling the case,” and Judge Sullivan said, “The hell you are. This guy’s a reprobate, and you can’t tell me to pull the case ’cause I don’t want this guy — you you you you.” And they said, “Nope, we’re dropping the case.” And then he goes and gets a friend of the court, friend of his to write some big brief on why the DOJ shouldn’t drop. He doesn’t have the power to tell the DOJ. Just a judge. Judge does not determine who gets prosecuted and who doesn’t.
Anyway, when all that went down, I posited a theory that the reason they had to get rid of Michael Flynn is because of what he knew. And as national security adviser what he would be privy to, what he would not only be entitled to know, what he would have to be on the loop on. And that would mean that he’d be aware of every aspect of this stupid, trumped up Trump-Russia collusion investigation. He would see from the get-go that it was bogus. And that could not be permitted to happen.
This thing, it had to be covered up, and it had to be ongoing. This investigation had to continue during the Trump presidency. So then we learned of the internal notes of members of the FBI discussing Flynn and they said, “So what are we gonna do with him here? Are we just gonna get him fired or do we want to get him prosecuted?” when they were discussing having this official, unofficial interview with him at the White House.
And that led me and a bunch of other people, they gotta get rid of guy. They cannot let him become Trump’s national security adviser because he would be privy to everything. Well, guess what? Michael Flynn, according to his lawyer, Sidney Powell — she was on the Fox Business Channel Mornings with Maria today, and Sidney Powell said that Flynn had intended to audit the intelligence agencies before the 2017 interview with him.
It was part of the job, how seriously he took becoming national security. He was gonna audit the intel. Well, no wonder they had to take him out. Audio sound bite number 26 yesterday. Maria Bartiromo says to Sidney Powell, “Why do you think Flynn was a target? Take us back to when Flynn was in the Obama administration. All these players knew Flynn, and they wanted him out of the way. Why, Sidney?”
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See Also:
(1) Sidney Powell: Michael Flynn Planned to ‘Audit’ Intel Agencies Before FBI Prosecution
(2) It Looks Like the Anti-Flynn Judge Could Defy Appeals Court and Keep This Clown Show Going
(4) Strzok’s notes implicate Obama
(5) Why the Flynn Win and Strzok Notes are Major Obamagate Developments