We’re going to see a nearly endless line of nominally Republican Establishment hacks you had long forgotten about announcing that they are voting for Grandpa Badfinger this fall, and the idea is that this will freak out us squares and make us all rethink our support for Donald Trump. What it should do is make us all rethink how we ever got to the point where we once supported the gooey likes of Carly Fiorina and the rest of the dilettantes and cruise ship cons in the first place.
No, we don’t play that anymore. We got woke, the kind of woke you get putting your hand on a hot stove – that image kind of sums up how we actual conservatives feel after decades of supporting losers whose astonishing record of failure is equaled in magnitude by their astonishing self-regard. The best and brightest are neither.
Once upon a time, when I believed in the fairy tale that is Conservative, Inc., I supported Carly Fiorina. She was running in California and was not a Democrat, and I would have supported a talking chancre sore over a California Democrat. At least in the case of a herpetic lesion, getting it might have at least been a little fun; getting the kind of dopey rich Republican losers we tried to use to plug the holes in the dike keeping out communism in the Golden State was no fun at all. Remember Michael Huffington (Mr. Arianna), Meg “I had an illegal alien housekeeper” Whitman and Arnold “Well, I impregnated my housekeeper” Schwarzenegger? “Successful business person” Fiorina was just another of these pseudo-con Crassuses – she looked at the election landscape and thought “I guess today I’ll be… Republican. That way, I don’t actually have to have any political experience – I can just write checks.” And they would inevitably lose like at Carrahae.
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See Also:
(1) Against Columbia Statehood
(2) Now You Know Why Nadler Sold His Soul to AOC
(4) Abolish the police? Black residents in Harlem say no as white liberals push for it in video
(5) Minneapolis City Council Unanimously Advances Proposal to Dismantle Police Department