February 13, 2025
The Sham Superiority of Liberalism
For a philosophy without principles, it is awfully moralistic.
For a philosophy without principles, it is awfully moralistic.

The philosophy of our modern-day pillagers is at once intensely moralistic and utterly amoral. They lecture the nation on the requirements of “justice” even as they steal or destroy property that doesn’t belong to them. They decry the moral standards of the past while committing the most grotesque sins in the present. They blast the character of historical figures and tear their statues down while building monuments to Margaret Sanger and other monstrous modern figures.

The nihilistic arrogance of it all is staggering. Yet craven pols watch the destructive unfolding without a peep. They confer upon the mob a moral authority it doesn’t possess. The same pols and academics who tell us that all moral standards are relative accept the moral judgments of the mob without question.

A generation as morally careless as this one lacks any standing to judge historical figures. One can only laugh at the hubris of those who condemn historical figures for not transcending the biases of their time while wallowing in the biases of their own. We’re told that the mob is morally superior to the figures it topples. But in truth they bear much in common. The modern biases of the mob blind it as much to the injustice of abortion as antiquated ones blinded older generations to slavery. Were today’s mob alive at the time of slavery, it would have accepted it, just as it now accepts abortion and other peculiar modern institutions.

The liberalism underpinning the activities of the mob contains no fixed principles. It is a willfulness writ large. The left-wing totalitarianism toward which the mob is headed will eclipse the injustices of the past. Liberals used to like to quote Heinrich Heine’s line, “Where one burns books, one will — in the end — burn people.” You don’t hear them quoting that anymore, as their mobs burn statues, censor books, and destroy the livelihoods of those who dare deviate, even in the most minor of ways, from the revolution’s imperatives.

[Interesting Read]

See Also:

(1) VDH: 2020 Election Will Be a Contest of the Angry

(2) The Democrats’ ‘Bonfire of Inanities’

(3) Districts may regret booting school cops

(4) Survey: Most U.S. Liberals Want To Rewrite Constitution, Impose Race Quotas On History Classes And Museums

(5) If Washington And What He Stood For Can Be Condemned And Humiliated, None Of You Are Safe