Systemic racism”? I wouldn’t call that America’s present problem. “Systemic ignorance” comes a lot closer to it — a wonderful, and telling, phrase coined by an attorney friend of mine.
If you don’t know much of anything, what right have you to instruct those who do know? Every right, it would presently seem. In acknowledgment of which right — oh, boy! — you commission instructive pieces of testimony like the overthrow, in San Francisco, of a statue representing — are you ready? — President and Gen. Ulysses Simpson Grant. U. S. Grant! Grant, who accepted, at Appomattox Courthouse, in 1865, the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the initiative of its commander, Robert E. Lee! Thus writing finis to the Civil War/War Between the States!
I have read that the rap on Grant, from the standpoint of the San Francisco mob, was that for a year he personally owned one slave — one — whom he freed a couple of years before the war.
I doubt many find this explanation persuasive. I don’t. When you go to the trouble of toppling the statue of a Union general — later president — whose military efforts brought freedom to the slaves, the lightest mental offense you confess to is incapacity for discernment.
In other words, you confuse hay fever with septic shock. Not very bright; not very demonstrative of intellectual application.
Think coronavirus spreads fast? For speed, try ignorance.
[Interesting Read]
See Also:
(1) Rioters Tear Down Monuments In Envy At People Who Do What They Can’t: Build
(2) Shootings, Violence Jump In Cities Where Mayors Have Restrained Police