February 13, 2025
What’s disturbing today is that so few of our most aggressive haters—the Social Justice Warriors—understand themselves to be haters at all.
The hero of Trafalgar is just one of many notables of Western Civilization whose monuments have been defaced or otherwise marked for destruction by our ferocious Social Justice Warriors.
The hero of Trafalgar is just one of many notables of Western Civilization whose monuments have been defaced or otherwise marked for destruction by our ferocious Social Justice Warriors.

In 1793, Captain Horatio Nelson took command of HMS Agamemnon, a 64-gun ship of the line in the British Navy, at the start of one of England’s perennial wars with France. The two nations had been fighting for almost half of the more than 700 years that had elapsed since William of Normandy conquered the Saxons at Hastings in 1066. The Anglo-French wars (not counting as far ahead as the brief but bloody unpleasantness between Britain and Vichy France early in World War II) would culminate in Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo in 1815.

Aboard the Agamemnon, Nelson gave these instructions to his midshipmen

There are three things, young gentlemen, which you are constantly to bear in mind: first, you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own respecting their propriety; secondly, you must consider every man as your enemy who speaks ill of your King; and thirdly, you must hate a Frenchman as you do the devil.

Nelson’s adherence to the first of these principles was less than perfect. He once ignored his fleet commander’s signal to withdraw from a tight spot in the battle of Copenhagen, holding his telescope up to his blind eye (he had lost sight in it from a previous wound) and remarking, “I only have one eye—I have the right to be blind sometimes. I really do not see the signal!” (He went on to win the battle.)

Nelson is not known ever to have deviated from his second point. But regarding the third, he really walked the walk. “Down with the damned French villains!” he once exclaimed. “My blood boils at the name of a Frenchman! Down, down with the French!” And in another letter (which recently sold at auction for £9,000): “I form not my opinion My Dear Lord from others, no it is from what I have seen. They are thieves, murderers, oppressors and infidels.”

Nelson is in the news these days, but not because the French have called him out for Thought Crime. No, his modern enemies are all home-grown.

[Interesting Read]

See Also:

(1) When Everyone Kneels, Who Will Stand Up for Western History and Culture?

(2) The Real Mob Behind The Street Mobs

(3) Trump says AOC should challenge Chuck Schumer for Senate seat: ‘She would win!’

(4) Steve Hilton: ‘Weak, corrupt, mentally malfunctioning’ Biden would be a ‘tragic setback’ for the country 

(5) Senate “Blue Slip” Policy: How Does Lindsay Graham’s Head Stay Up With No Spine?


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June 23, 2020 3:01 pm

Trump is preparing. I hope the National Parks Police have got their act together. Especially at locations such as Mt. Rushmore. A huge year round patriotic American attraction amplified many times for every July 4th. It would be a wet dream for these American Taliban to mimic the destruction of the 1,700 year old world’s two largest standing Buddhas by the Islamic Taliban – one of them 165ft high. Even minor defacing would be a huge victory. The American Taliban have already designated 3 of the 4 Presidents depicted as racists. No doubt these dregs of society are emboldened by the practically total absence of meaningful arrests let alone criminal prosecutions since they began running amok across America murdering, burning, looting, and assaulting innocent citizens. Who could blame them? On guard, America! And don’t let it down.

LOCK THEM UP: Veterans ‘ Memorial Preservation Act Cited By Trump Makes Destruction of National Memorials and Statues Punishable by Up to 10 Years in Prison
