February 6, 2025
Popular Mechanics Gives Instructions on How to Take Down Statues, George Washington Statue Is Ripped Down
The story sparked a lot of outrage on line with many saying they would end their subscriptions to the magazine because they were pushing anarchy.
The story sparked a lot of outrage on line with many saying they would end their subscriptions to the magazine because they were pushing anarchy.

You used to look to Popular Mechanics to figure out how things worked or if you were a nerd intrigued about building things.

Now, even Popular Mechanics has become subsumed by the leftist mania.

They recently ran an article from James Stout whose bio describes him as a Ph.D “historian of anti fascism in sport and runs a nonprofit that uses exercise to empower Indigenous people to live healthier and happier lives.”

Stout wanted to share with us and Popular Mechanics readers ‘scientific’ instruction on how to take down statues that you don’t like without getting hurt. “How to Topple a Statue Using Science” and subhead, “Bring that sucker without anyone getting hurt.”

“Should you happen to find yourself near a statue that you decide you no longer like, we asked scientists for the best, safest ways to bring it to the ground without anyone getting hurt— except, of course, for the inanimate racist who’s been dead for a century anyway,” Stout said.
