Do you remember how Democrats were openly scheming to help nominate Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primary? Paul Krugman wrote a Labor Day column back in 2015 defending Trump from Jeb Bush and praising his economic platform. Jimmy Carter told the British Parliament the following February that he preferred a President Trump to a President Cruz because Trump would be a pragmatic and non-ideological leader. A Democratic National Committee email released by WikiLeaks later that year revealed that the Clinton campaign and the DNC were colluding to ensure that Trump won the nomination. An attached memorandum outlined how important it was to Democratic leadership that Trump, Ted Cruz, or Ben Carson face Hillary in the general election: “We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to [take] them seriously.” The “press” dutifully complied, running headline after headline in the New York Times and Washington Post and on CNN (“Clinton, Trump trade insults as rhetoric heats up between front-runners,” CNN blared in September of 2015!) creating a narrative even before the Iowa caucuses that the election was essentially between Clinton and Trump, and leaving the original Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush, clamoring for the occasional clap.
They got what they wanted but were horrified to discover that the “Trump Train” could no longer be slowed down or derailed after his nomination. The morning after President-Elect Trump delivered his victory speech, Krugman was predicting economic catastrophe that would last a thousand years, Carter was calling the election illegitimate, and Hillary and the Democrats were concocting a Russian conspiracy theory in an attempt to hide her humiliation (among other things). Talk about backfire!
What was the lesson here? The partisan news media and Democratic Party election-riggers had much less power than they had presumed. Not a single Republican primary voter on the fence between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump listened to Krugman for economic advice. Not a single Tea Party patriot decided between Cruz and Trump based on the wisdom of Carter. Not a single freedom-minded conservative glanced at the New York Times or CNN before joining Team Trump. Most Trump-supporters were looking at each other and saying, “Do they really think we’re this dumb?”
[Interesting Read]
See Also:
(1) US Attorney in Manhattan refuses to resign after Barr announces that he’s ‘stepping down’
(2) President Trump Fires Manhattan U.S. Attorney
(3) Judge allows Bolton book to be released, but says he ‘gambled’ with national security
(4) Ten reasons why John Bolton is not to be trusted
(5) DOJ’s Response To Flynn Misconduct Only Makes Them Look Worse