The Chinese Communist Party is waging information warfare to shape American public opinion and influence our economic and government policy to their benefit.
The CCP doesn’t shape public opinion by buying billboards and TV ads. That kind of persuasion is far too American for them.
Instead, they co-opt our leaders and buy entire companies.
China’s methods are more sophisticated and insidious than simply passing off envelopes stuffed with cash to American agents of influence. Often, the agents don’t even know they’ve been recruited.
The CCP manipulates the self-interest of its targets, making them unwitting recruits.
Rarely do you hear one of these influencers say, “That Communist Party of China sure is great—we ought to let it run the show! Everyone get on board!”
Instead, they’ll say something along the lines of “doing business with the CCP is good ol’ free market capitalism,” or “we need a peaceful and harmonious world,” or “this is what any reasonable person would advocate.”
But everything they say and do—or don’t say and don’t do—advances the aims of the CCP.
Some of these influencers have a vested interest in the status quo.
[Interesting Read]
See Also:
(1) EU Seeks to Parry Chinese Acquisitions
(3) Will the UK take responsibility for the defects in Hong Kong’s handover deal?
(4) China claims disputed valley on India border where 20 soldiers killed in brawl