February 13, 2025
Ready or not, the fight is coming to your communities, your schools, your workplaces, and your places of worship.
This is a deadly serious moment for this country. You must understand that you cannot avoid this fight because the fight will come for you: in your communities, in your schools, in your places of work and worship. You will be left with a choice either to stand by your principles or—if not literally, then at the least symbolically—to bend the knee.
This is a deadly serious moment for this country. You must understand that you cannot avoid this fight because the fight will come for you: in your communities, in your schools, in your places of work and worship. You will be left with a choice either to stand by your principles or—if not literally, then at the least symbolically—to bend the knee.

Recently, I posted a meme on Twitter showing a large idol with “BLM” on it, people bowing down before the idol labeled “woke evangelicals,” and three men standing who are labeled “infidels.” Of course, the meme is based on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Bible’s book of Daniel. These three men refused to bend the knee to a false idol. For that, they were labeled unbelievers by the ruling power and thrown into a pit of fire, yet miraculously they lived.

Some friends and family were not entirely sure what I meant by posting the meme—hence this essay. 

Most evangelicals—in fact most Americans—have no idea that Black Lives Matter means something more than the basic and indisputable point that the lives of black people are precious. They don’t know what Black Lives Matter, the organization, actually is, what it stands for, or what it is trying to achieve. They don’t know that it is a Marxist political ideology cloaked in race, an Orwellian tactic if there ever was one. 

People think that if you speak out against BLM, you are a racist who cares nothing for the lives of your fellow citizens if they are of a different race. 

So let me make this abundantly clear: I care about the lives of my fellow man regardless of the color of his skin. My work has been focused on ensuring not only that every life matters, but that every voice is heard, and that every vote is counted. 

In my personal journeys and public efforts, I have seen the challenges others face every day in schools, on the job, even at the ballot box, and I am here to tell you that BLM doesn’t truly care about bettering the lives of anyone—least of all the black community in the United States. It is far more concerned about pushing a radical ideology intended to harm the very people it claims to support because such an agenda keeps them up and operating and in business

In short: they are traitors to the cause so many believe they espouse. 

[Read It All]