BORIS JOHNSON “should be wary” of the threat Nigel Farage’s relaunched Brexit Party would pose to the Tories at the ballot box, a former MEP has warned.
Last week Mr Farage revealed he was seriously considering bringing his party back amid ongoing trade negotiations with the European Union which have so far failed to deliver a breakthrough. Former Brexit Party politician Belinda de Lucy said the Conservative Party should wake up to the reality that Tory voters will be looking for a way to express their discontent at the next by-election if the Prime Minister goes soft on Brexit.
She told Express.co.uk: “I think Boris should always be wary of the appeal Nigel has because I think the politics of spinning and trying to con the people are just not going to work anymore.”
She added: “I think the Tories have always feared Nigel because Nigel is not frightened about whether people like him or not.
“He courts controversy in many ways. He also speaks up for a lot of people who felt really silenced with their concerns over mass immigration, over law and order, over political correctness.
“These people have been swept under the carpet by consecutive governments for years and Nigel is their voice because the Tory party is too frightened to be that voice.
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