February 13, 2025
Security Council was all about image for symbolism-obsessed Liberals
"I shouldn’t take so much glee from my country losing this vote, but given the smugness of the Liberals, it’s hard not to."
“I shouldn’t take so much glee from my country losing this vote, but given the smugness of the Liberals, it’s hard not to.”

When the Stephen Harper Tories failed to secure a temporary, two-year seat on the Security Council in 2010, the Liberals and their media supporters fairly swooned from anguish.

They sneered it was a repudiation by the world of the Harper government’s disdain for international organizations and the Tories’ half-hearted commitment to climate change negotiations.

The Tories, they claimed, also didn’t believe in our nation as an “honest broker” on the international stage.

Harper, Canadians were told, was too focused on domestic issues, too cozy with Israel and not deferential enough to peacekeeping and professional diplomacy.

Canada’s defeat in 2010 was the result of Prime Minister Harper’s “abandonment” of our country’s international obligations. It was “a fiasco,” a “deep embarrassment,” “a dark day in the annals of Canada’s foreign policy” and proof the world was angered by Canada’s “neglect of its role as a middle power that punched above its weight.”

On the morning after the 2015 election, Justin Trudeau declared to the world “Canada is back, and we’re here to help.”


See Also:

(1) Justin Trudeau’s UN Security Council bid was the ultimate show about nothing

(2) O’Toole campaign asks police to investigate MacKay’s campaign for allegedly hacking internal data, videos

(3) Trudeau’s weakness leaves two Michaels in dire straits

(4) Time for a ‘China reset,’ before it’s too late

(5) Triple killer who murdered 5-year-old calls sentence ‘overly harsh’

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June 21, 2020 1:12 pm

Canada’s voting system is broken. It allows the tail (Ontario/Quebec) to wag the dog (the rest of Canada) every federal election cycle. That’s how Canada ends up with politicians in charge that are rejected outside of the voting powerhouse provinces of Ont/Que. Preventing such a situation is exactly the purpose of the American Electoral College. To prevent ‘pockets of dense leftist populations’ for example New York, Philly Miami and LA from banding together and negating the votes of the remainder of the country. But that’s exactly what happens each Canadian federal election isn’t it? Lip service to the ROC because we truly are irrelevant to them. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand exactly where our energy industry would be today were the oil sands located in Quebec does it?

But because of the brilliance and foresight of America’s Founding Father’s some 2 1/2 centuries ago and their creating the Electoral College no part of America is irrelevant at election time. Even the most sparsely populated states are ignored at peril. Interestingly but not surprisingly not a peep from the left regarding the EC when Obama was elected twice. Oh but listen to them howl and demand the EC’s demise when it came to Bush Jr. or now again when it comes Trump. Truth? Canada’s electoral system will never be remade in order that it serve the entire country. From coast to coast. The powerful elite in Upper and Lower Canada will never permit it. Never relinquish their monopoly on political power. Sadly for our nation, Canadians will not demand the change that is needed. The Canadian peons in our own ‘fly over country’ will continue to believe in something that doesn’t exist. Electoral fairness.

Thanks to our dysfunctional electoral system we get a dummkopf like this…

Canada’s back? More like increasingly irrelevant

Justin Trudeau’s dream of being a relevant statesman came crashing down on Wednesday afternoon.

After years, literally years, of intense lobbying and sucking up to the UN community, including to despots, tyrants and countries with questionable human rights records, Trudeau lost Canada’s bid for a United Nations Security Council temporary seat.

It wasn’t even close.
