February 6, 2025
Despite panel's recommendations, Alberta secession needs to be on the table
Without the threat of separation, what have we got?
Without the threat of separation, what have we got?

“We do not believe the threat of secession is a constructive negotiating strategy.”

In other words, in negotiations with Ottawa for better treatment, Alberta should not threaten separation.

That is one of the key recommendations of the Fair Deal Panel set up last year by the UCP government to consider Alberta’s place in Confederation. The panel’s proposals were released Wednesday.

Frankly, if Alberta isn’t prepared to threaten the possibility of separation, there is little hope of receiving a fairer shake from Ottawa.

If we promise to stay part of Canada no matter what, then we will have to rely on Liberal government goodwill to bring about a major revamp of the equalization scheme and end to “the federal government … spending, taxing, legislating or treaty-making in areas of provincial or joint jurisdiction.”

Quebec gets far more from the feds than Alberta does because it often provides the Liberals with three or four dozen seats, plus from time to time it genuinely threatens to leave.

Alberta is never going to give the Liberals the seats for a majority. So if they also know we aren’t prepared to separate if necessary, we have no clout. Then how would we get anyone to take our grievances seriously?

[Interesting Read]