If you broadcast that you are willing to be bullied, then you invite the mob to rule. When the mob rules, you get brass-knuckles politics, not justice.
You get a hyper-political county prosecutor, under the corruption microscope as he desperately seeks reelection, filing trumped-up, mob-driven charges before the actual investigators have a chance to finish their work.
You get a capital murder charge against a police officer who returned fire after being shot at with a taser by a fleeing suspect.
A taser that the fleeing suspect, a criminal with a violent history, stole from the police while they attempted to arrest him on a well-founded charge.
A taser being the very weapon that the same prosecutor, just days earlier, had deemed a deadly weapon under Georgia State law. But of course, that was then, when the same prosecutor was addressing the use of tasers by police. This is now, when a criminal used a stolen taser on police. In mob-stricken Atlanta, the prosecutor says the latter use of deadly force is no threat at all.
In an outrageous trumping up of a criminal case — to describe this as mere “overcharging” would be woefully insufficient — Fulton County prosecutor Paul Howard Jr. has charged former police officer Garrett Rolfe with felony murder in connection with the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks.
The killing of Brooks, who was violently resisting arrest and attempting to flee, is still under investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). But in the wake of George Floyd’s recent killing by Minneapolis police officers, the Black Lives Matter demagogues refuse to wait for evidence-based conclusions. They will tolerate no storyline other than the slanderous fiction that we are all expected not just to abide but endorse: Institutionally racist cops are hunting down black men.
So prosecutor Howard, did not wait for the GBI to finish its probe. The mob was demanding a scalp, so he gave them a scalp.
[Interesting Read]
See Also:
(1) Atlanta Cop Denies Serving as ‘State’s Witness’ against Former Partner in Shooting Case
(2) Atlanta Police Will Get a $500 Bonus Because That Will Fix Everything
(3) Atlanta District Attorney Paul Howard Politicizes Policing With Disastrous Results
The world is watching what’s going on in America today? Just listen to the evil dreams of Vladmir Lenin. There are many more but just apply these few to what is happening today in America…
• There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen – check.
• Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world – check.
. A newspaper is not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, it is also a collective organiser – check
. A lie told often enough becomes the truth – check
and finally …
. You probe with bayonets: if you find mush, you push. If you find steel, you withdraw – check
Mush is all the Obama Administration’s criminal conspirators, liars, fraudsters, justice obstructionists and their civilian army of anarchist rioters, looters and common criminals have faced to date. Mush from the POTUS, the GOP, DOJ, the FBI. Mush, mush and more mush.
Tucker: No one attempted to stop Democratic power grab