February 6, 2025
John Roberts and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamer Robe
Justice Clarence Thomas has been on to their game from the start.
Justice Clarence Thomas has been on to their game from the start.

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, ruling that the Trump Administration failed to comply with federal regulation procedures. 

In an opinion for the 5-4 majority, Chief Justice John Roberts explained, “we address only whether the agency complied with the procedural requirement that it provide a reasoned explanation for its action.” Justice Clarence Thomas, the sole African American on the high court, thought there was more to it.

“The majority today concludes that [the Department of Homeland Security] was required to do far more,” Thomas wrote. In effect, the majority was holding the decision of the Trump Administration to a higher standard than President Barack Obama’s “executive action” that established DACA illegally in the first place. The decision, Thomas wrote in his dissent, “must be recognized for what it is: an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision.” 

The chief justice has some prior experience massaging the law in order to arrive at a politically desirable outcome. Where he was unwilling to read into the true intent behind the technical noncompliance of the Trump Administration on Thursday, he was more than willing in 2012 to patch up the illegal-as-written federal subsidies in the Affordable Care Act. 

“It stands to reason that Congress meant for those provisions to apply in every State as well,” Roberts wrote as he upheld Obamacare. Though Congress had failed to write the Affordable Care Act in such a way as to let the federal government provide health care subsidies in every state, Roberts reasoned nevertheless it must have meant to. Thus, the chief justice was willing to aid the legislative body from the bench. 

To argue his case, Roberts cited the dissenting opinions of his colleagues, who argued that Obamacare would collapse without federal subsidy in all states, as evidence that congress indeed must have intended to subsidize them all. As Brett LoGiurato of Business Insider explained at the time, “He’s basically telling his colleagues: I’m right, and your words prove it.” 

As the late Terry Jones told King Arthur (Graham Chapman) in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”: I didn’t vote for you. And we don’t vote for Supreme Court justices, either, which makes it particularly frustrating when they function as a robed politburo. In Roberts’ case, as Max Bialystock told Roger Debris in “The Producers,” “that robe is you!” 

[Interesting Read]

See Also:

(1) Cotton blasts Roberts over DACA, invites him to resign, run for office

(2) The Supreme Court Gives Amnesty to Illegal Regulations

(3) Supreme Court rules against Trump administration bid to end DACA program

(4) Supreme Court Demands Everyone Pretend Sex Differences Don’t Exist

(5) Supreme Court: Treat Men And Women As Interchangeable, Or Get Sued Into Oblivion

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June 20, 2020 2:20 pm

Roberts is compromised. He is a made man. I’d figure that for him to switch sides so dramatically the Dems have got to have something on him that drove him into political prostitution and the progressive left the political ‘John’.

To hell with dismissing conspiracy theories. With what has been going on in America especially since BHO arrived on the scene nothing should be taken off the table as being impossible. Especially with the stakes so high and America the prize the sky is the limit. A look back at something somebody like Justice Roberts will be very familiar with. I know its rehashing history but whatever. I’m talking about the highly suspicious death of Justice Scalia.

It then took hours for authorities in remote West Texas to find a justice of the peace, officials said Sunday. I call BS. We’re dealing with the unexpected death of a SCOTUS Justice not a homeless person. But when they did, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead of natural causes without seeing the body — which is permissible under Texas law — and without ordering an autopsy. Frankly unbelievable given the identity of the deceased.

…pronounced Scalia dead by phone, without seeing his body. Instead, she spoke to law enforcement officials at the scene — who assured her “there were no signs of foul play”

Let me tell you from many years and very much personal experience it is impossible for on-scene investigators to rule out foul play. 100% impossible. Sure death can outwardly ‘appear’ natural but only a thorough investigation can make sure. Pronouncing death over the phone without even viewing the body? WTF ? There was so very much more than demanded being investigated. How about poisoning just for one possibility? There are extremely sophisticated poisons that would be difficult to detect even with a thorough autopsy but why rule that possibility out from the on-scene bedside. Especially because the deceased was a Supreme Court Judge. Texas laws permit a justice of the peace to declare someone dead without seeing the body. But from a criminal investigation perspective given the deceased identity alone on-scene police should have insisted the JP personally attend and moved forward from there. I know I sure as hell would have and nobody but nobody would have dared to dissuade me. The family’s reported desire that there be NO autopsy is astonishing by itself but from a criminal investigation perspective should not even have come into play. About as lacking of understanding of the decision of the of the family of Seth Rich to demand police stop investigating his murder. A murder/robbery absent the robbery part? Seth was their son! What could possibility prompt a family, any family, to in affect right off their child’s death? So is it a conspiracy theory to surmise that genuine evil is afoot in America today?

Bearing Justice Scalia’s death and the Keystone Cop non-investigation of it into account one could see how a weak person could be scared witless of suffering a similar end and knowing few if anybody would care. Then there is the possibility (but not impossibility) of something like this…..

One way or the other Justice Roberts is compromised, The unanswered question is why.
