February 6, 2025
A Political Party Stupid Enough to Call You a Racist Is Too Stupid to Govern
Democrats better get used to having Trump in the White House for another five years.
Democrats better get used to having Trump in the White House for another five years.

What happens when a political party is hijacked by fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics who don’t care whether they win or lose an election?

They lose elections.

That’s where the Democrats are headed because they’d rather be “right” than clever. And when it comes to the issue of race, Democrats think they have a corner on “right.”

They’ve got a small problem, though. In order to appeal to the fanatics, ideologues, and hysterics to tap them for money and support, they have to at least give lip service to their warped views on race. And that includes calling you and me and about 70 percent of the American voters “racist.”

John Kass points out that at one time Democrats believed they had a “winning issue” by running on the certain indictment of Trump for treason. How’d that work out, guys?

They had invested so much in their fantasy that President Donald Trump was a treasonous agent of Russian boss Vladimir Putin. But when special counsel Robert Mueller’s report came out, and there was no collusion, no crime charged, their fantasy collapsed.

With Americans working and with money in their pockets again, with the 2020 election approaching, Democrats are reaching for the race card the way a sick man reaches for the waters of Lourdes. Desperately. Their allies in media followed suit, with Trump called everything from a white supremacist, to a Nazi, and on and on.

Once again, Democrats think they have a winner. Because nobody minds being called a “racist,” do they.

[Read It All]

See Also:

(1) Seattle’s Antifastan Is Getting Fortification and Decorations – at Taxpayer Expense

(2) Police, Fire Reportedly Refused to Respond to Crime in Progress in Seattle’s Breakaway CHOP

(3) Atlanta police see ‘higher than usual number of call outs’ after charges announced against officers

(4) Man accused of shoving elderly NYC woman has been arrested over 100 times

(5) Nine People Shot in Minneapolis Amid Spate of Violence following George Floyd Killing

(6) Reform Our Cities, Not Just the Police


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June 19, 2020 12:48 pm

I’ve said this before. Wake up America. And yes, that includes the many patriotic Democrats that exist all across America. Biden is not the American hating radical progressive’s man, nor should he be yours. He is ‘their means’. Their tool to get the job done. There are no limitations legal or otherwise that will impede them. They know now that they have little if anything to fear from either the DOJ or the FBI. The American penal code has been long thrown out the window. If they can get Biden elected watch who he has selected for VP. It will be somebody approved by the radical anti-American left but otherwise unelectable by the populace were he/she to actually run for POTUS. That person will do exactly what they are told to do once they take that seat in the Oval Office. Long before his first term is up Biden will be scheduled by design to step aside. And he will. Then what will occur will be one of the very few times that the Democrats demand adherence to the Constitution. They will for once treat it as though it is anything more than backside backup in the outhouse. The VP automatically assumes the Presidency. I’ll say it again. Watch for number two. When it comes to the 2020 election the Democrats would like Americans to lulled by this quote taken from the Wizard of Oz…. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”