What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?
That very biblical question is one that Canada should be asking itself in the middle of this charade that has been Canada’s bid for the temporary security council seat at the United Nations.
For the second time in a row, Canada has failed to secure that temporary seat. Despite millions spent and Trudeau pressing the flesh with questionable world leaders, our bid got 108 votes to Ireland’s 128 and Norway’s 130.
That’s six fewer votes than Stephen Harper got 10 years ago when it took three ballots for Canada to lose.
In 2010, Canada lost primarily for standing up for Canadian principles. This time we lost despite Prime Minister Justin Trudeau throwing those principles out the window as he sought votes.
“A seat on the UN security council will be an additional lever and an extra way that Canada can make sure that our voice and our values are being heard at the highest levels,” Trudeau said Wednesday as the vote was ongoing.
His response made me wonder what Canada’s voice would say and what values we would put forward had we won.
[Interesting Read]
See Also:
(1) Canada’s back, and the United Nations rightly didn’t notice
(2) Canada loses bid for seat on UN Security Council, finishing third to Norway and Ireland in vote
(3) This is Trudeau’s loss, not Canada’s
(4) UN loss has got to sting for Trudeau
(5) Canadian Scientists Shipped Deadly Pathogens to China’s Wuhan Institute