There an evergreen adage in the world of business, politics and entertainment: “Timing is Everything.” It’s a truism that is lost on the now fully radicalized American left and their militant cohorts in their mad dash to exploit the tragic death of George Floyd.
During the Obama presidency, the death of Michael Brown and the subsequent acquittal of Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, as well as the death of Freddie Gray in police custody in Baltimore, engendered riots, looting and violence in those cities. These events demonstrated to the left that the Marxian tactic of exploiting class animosity to foment revolution, which has not succeeded in an essentially egalitarian United States, should be replaced by the fomenting of racial animosity and the exploitation of egregious law enforcement events, which could be the catalyst to launch the fundamental transformation of the nation. These occurrences can trigger, not just local, but national upheaval that can be used to browbeat the citizenry. Particularly as their militant wing greatly expanded with the creation of the organization, Black Lives Matter, after the Ferguson riots.
Taking a page from many 20th Century despots, Black Lives Matter utilized the facade of branding their militant Marxist entity with a sentiment few would take issue with, as black lives do matter. Hence, they were able to intimidate major corporations into making massive financial contributions and engendering positive media coverage while advocating Marxist ideology and Fascist tactics alongside their fellow travelers in Antifa.
Thus, with the growth of the overall movement, their manipulation of an acquiescent Democrat party and the mainstream media as well as unabashedly exploiting the substantial plurality of liberal white elites in the thrall of “White Guilt” and gullibly believing the country is systemically racist, the radicalized American left was perhaps within a few years of being in the position of effectively exercising unchallenged and overwhelming coercion and extortion in order to fundamentally transform America.
See Also:
(1) Black Lives Matter for Democrats — But Only During the Six Months Before an Election
(3) Breaking Out the Winchesters
(4) Left silences silent majority – but watch for this in November
(5) The Cancel Counter: Boston Mayor Considers Removing Lincoln Statue