Conservative leadership candidate Erin O’Toole is obviously misinformed about how politics is supposed to be run in what has become semi-officially renamed as “these difficult times,” “these challenging times,” “these uncertain times” or some derivation thereof.
O’Toole, one of two candidates with a good chance of becoming leader of the federal Conservatives, issued a 50-page policy platform last week with some interesting and novel ideas. It offers a broad range of proposals to deal with the environment, “corporate welfare,” energy subsidies, child benefits, seniors abuse, interprovincial trade barriers, changing foreign dynamics and a host of other issues. Reading through it, you get the impression that the former Air Force officer and corporate lawyer would like to break free from the same old, same old of recent Tory thinking and start a serious debate about alternatives.
The release got almost no attention. You’d have to search hard for any sort of detailed analysis of O’Toole’s ideas. Professional observers were too busy discussing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s decision to show up at an anti-racism rally, wearing a face mask, so he could be photographed bending a knee in sympathy with the chanting demonstrators.
It was brilliant image management, a skill at which the Trudeau Liberals have proven themselves masters. The prime minister didn’t actually have to do anything to get positive feedback, he just had to show up and look serious. The prime minister was, one report indicated, “believed to be the first leader of a G7 nation photographed in solidarity with anti-racism protesters.” Subsequent debate focused largely on distancing rules and whether he was justified in ignoring them. Was it a bold decision motivated by his deep commitment to racial equality, or another in the cynical series of Liberal publicity stunts that go down so well with much of the public? Did it matter? Polls show that the governing Liberals are way ahead of the opposition, and their skill at controlling the agenda is a big reason for that.
See Also:
(1) Trudeau supports terror-backing group in bid for UN seat
(2) Trudeau doesn’t rule out dumping Laurier over racist past
(3) Pandemic is ideal time to reflect on Canada’s immigration approach
(4) Liberals to extend CERB wage subsidy for those unemployed by COVID-19