February 9, 2025
A tidal wave of overlapping crises
We are in a state of powerful overlapping crises. The consequences of all in combination should shake our confidence.
We are in a state of powerful overlapping crises. The consequences of all in combination should shake our confidence.

Can’t say I’ve ever had much time for Nostradamus or his ilk, the long train of would-be seers and sages, astrologers and mages, a humid mix over the centuries of charlatans and crackpots who took it upon themselves to read the future, via the entrails of strangled cats, the motions of the great heavenly bodies, the lines on a person’s palm, the scattering of tea leaves in the bottom of a cup or by worshipful intercourse with the dark satanic powers by which they deluded themselves into thinking they had been gifted with a prophetic voice.

Thankfully, all that is gone now. Necromancy and studying the eviscerated entrails of sacred birds have given way to polling,  an arguably more sanitary method, though one that tends to be just as inaccurate. Still, we could do with someone with a gift of foresight to offer a partial glimpse of what’s coming down the road. We need that man or woman now. We are in a state of powerful overlapping crises. The consequences of all in combination should shake our confidence.

Where will these events lead? The present zeitgeist, for example, is the idea of “dismantling” police forces. The word “dismantling,” or its semantic twin “defund,” both carry in their essence the end of policing as we know it.

The confusions and contradictions in our present moment are, to choose a word, epidemic. Let me count the ways.

[Interesting Read]