No. Just no. I will not take a knee. I will not do blackout Tuesday. I won’t be posting “black lives matter” on social media. I’m not going to cheer for the peaceful protesters (or for the looters and rioters), because they are wrong.
America is not racist. It isn’t “systemically” racist. It doesn’t have racism “in its DNA.” It doesn’t put its boot on the necks of blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, or Asians. It doesn’t keep anybody down. There are too many examples of people of all colors and ethnicities succeeding in America. What other country, outside of Africa, has elected a black man as its head of state, for God’s sake?
Yes, there are bad individuals who live here, but Americans, as a whole, are the most generous, good-natured, color-blind people on Earth. It is that very good nature that the haters, leftists, anarchists, and race-baiters have taken advantage of. Good-hearted people of all colors and political stripes were horrified to see a video of a black man dying with a policeman’s knee on his neck. What we saw was not right. It called for justice, and so did we. But that wasn’t enough for those who saw an opportunity. It wasn’t enough that a bad cop be arrested, tried, and punished, or that a badly run police department be reformed. No. The incident had to be used to divide us and flog the narrative. It was too “good” to be let go to waste.
So, we have had supposedly “spontaneous” riots, in which pallets of bricks were mysteriously pre-positioned. We have had “stand down” orders from mayors who either acted out of fear or out of sympathy for the rioters. We have had media blaring at us about the “mostly peaceful” protests, as buildings burned in the backgrounds of their camera shots, and we have had racism touted 24/7 as the new touchstone of American society.
[Interesting Read]
See Also:
(1) Planned Parenthood Says Black Lives Matter
(2) SWAT team members resign from unit citing safety concerns
(3) RNC Announces New Location for Republican National Convention